Financial Reforms and Performance Dynamics


International Journal of Finance and Accounting Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)1

International Journal of Finance and Accounting (IJFA) is a peer reviewed journal published by IPRJB. IJAF emphasize on the interdependency of accounting and finance reflects the increasing complexity of corporate financial management in recent years and verifies the importance of understanding accounting and finance from an international context. Being a high factor journal, IJAF reflects in both online and printed version.


  • Effects of Basel III Framework on Capital Adequacy of Commercial Banks in Kenya
  • The Adoption and Implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards: The Challenges Faced by the United Nation in Producing UN-IPSAS Compliant Financial Reports in Kenya
  • Turnaround Strategies and Their Influence on the Financial Performance of Organizations: A Case Study of Uchumi Supermarkets Ltd-Nairobi County Branches
  • Factors Determining Stock Market Returns: Case of Nairobi Stock Exchange
Category Book Chapters
Publisher: IPRJB peer reviewed journals and books publishers
Authors: Kevin Kombo, Aleg A. Whitefield, Angelica Mbandu and Samson Okoth Ondiek
Pages: 98