The European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) is a peer-reviewed journal published by IPRJB JOURNALS that covers various aspects of business and strategic management. The journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to share their insights, perspectives, and experiences on the latest developments and trends in these fields.  According to Scopus, the number of publications in business and strategic management has increased significantly in the past decade, from about 40,000 in 2010 to over 100,000 in 2020. This reflects the growing interest and importance of these disciplines in the global economy and society. Among these publications, EJBSM has contributed to the advancement of knowledge and practice in Europe and beyond, with more than 500 articles published since its inception in 2016. The journal has a diverse and international authorship, with contributors from over 50 countries across the world.

Source: Google

One of the key features of European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) is its high-quality indexing and visibility. The journal is indexed by several reputable databases and search engines, such as Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, SCILIT and Crossref. This ensures that the European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) articles are easily accessible and discoverable by a wide range of readers and users. Moreover, European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) follows the best practices and standards of open access publishing, which means that all its articles are freely available online without any subscription or paywall.

Another distinctive aspect of European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) that is hosted by IPRJB JOURNALS is its rigorous and efficient peer review process. Quality assurance, speed, and customer responsiveness are paramount considerations for both authors and readers alike. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) adopts a double-blind peer review system, where both the authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other. This ensures that the articles are evaluated objectively and fairly based on their academic merit and relevance. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) also strives to provide a fast and responsive service to its authors and reviewers, with an average turnaround time of 2 weeks to 2 months from submission to decision. Furthermore, the journal offers constructive feedback and guidance to help authors improve their manuscripts and enhance their chances of publication.

Source: Google

In addition to the above benefits, European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) also provides some unique incentives and rewards to its authors. For instance, the journal issues an e-certificate of publication to each author upon the acceptance of their article. The journal also assigns a digital object identifier (DOI) to each article, which enables a permanent link and citation for the article. Moreover, European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) charges a reasonable and affordable publication fee of USD 150 per article, which covers the costs of editorial and production processes. The journal also accepts various payment methods such as paypal, pesapal and mobile banking that are convenient and secure for the authors.

In summary, European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) is a reputable and reliable journal that publishes high-quality research on business and strategic management. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) indexed by several prominent databases and search engines, which enhances its visibility and impact. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM)also has a fast and fair peer review process, which ensures the quality and validity of its articles. Additionally, European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) offers some attractive incentives and rewards to its authors, such as e-certificates, DOIs, and low publication fees. Therefore, European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) is an ideal choice for researchers who want to disseminate their work in a prestigious and cost-effective way.



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