The Experience of Children with Disabilities and their Families during Hospital Admission - Literature Review


  • Waleed Al-Ruzaiqi Ministry of Health, Oman



Children with Disabilities, Families, Hospital Admission


Purpose: This review aimed to look for the findings from different qualitative studies that addressed the experience of children with disabilities and their families during hospital admission.

Methodoloy: Using a descriptive qualitative design, semi-structured interviews were conducted. Criteria for selecting the studies were: peer-reviewed, qualitative studies focused on the experience of disabled children younger than 18 years old and their caregivers. A systematic search found 13 relevant papers based on titles, then selected studies were reviewed and data were extracted. Three common themes were highlighted: communication between the disabled children and medical staff, quality of care provided during the inpatient stay and involvement in decision-making.

Results: Communication issues were the papers' most repeated and highlighted theme. This review reveals that the experience of children with disabilities during hospital admission is not ideal.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Enhancing the medical staff's communication skills and supporting disabled children and their families during admission would make a difference. Two models of change will be explored at the end in view of these themes.


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How to Cite

Al-Ruzaiqi, W. (2023). The Experience of Children with Disabilities and their Families during Hospital Admission - Literature Review. Global Journal of Health Sciences, 8(2), 11–22.


