
  • International Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports

     International Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (IJPERS), a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and case studies in the fields of physical education, recreation, sports, health, and wellness. The journal aims to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and educators to share their knowledge, experience, and insights on various topics related to these disciplines.

    The journal has a broad scope that covers various aspects of physical education, recreation, sports, health, and wellness. Some of the topics include: Curriculum development and implementation in physical education, Pedagogical approaches and strategies in physical education, Assessment and evaluation in physical education, Professional development and training in physical education, Physical activity and fitness promotion, Recreation and leisure studies, Sport management and administration, Sport psychology and sociology, Sport coaching and performance, Sport medicine and injury prevention, Health education and promotion and Wellness and quality of life.

    The journal follows a rigorous and transparent editorial process that ensures the quality and integrity of the published work. The journal adheres to the highest standards of publishing ethics and guidelines, and expects the authors, reviewers, and editors to follow the same principles. The journal also supports the open access policy, which means that all the published articles are freely available online without any subscription or fee.

    The journal welcomes submissions from researchers, practitioners, and educators from different disciplines and backgrounds. The journal accepts manuscripts in English only. The authors are required to follow the manuscript preparation checklist provided by the journal before submitting their work. The journal uses a double-blind peer review system, which means that the identities of the authors and reviewers are concealed from each other.

  • International Journal of Modern Risk Management

    International Journal of Modern Risk Management (IJMRM) is a dynamic platform that promotes cutting-edge research in the realms of finance and accounting. By emphasizing indexing, quality review, responsiveness, and cost-friendliness, International Journal of Modern Risk Management (IJMRM) hosted by IPRJB JOURNALS cultivates an environment where scholarly excellence and knowledge dissemination thrive. With an efficient peer review process, publication e-certificates, DOI allocation, and flexible payment options, International Journal of Modern Risk Management (IJMRM) stands as a leader in facilitating impactful research contributions to the academic community.

  • International Journal of Linguistics

    International Journal of Linguistics (IJL) is a peer reviewed journal published by IPRJB. The journal is published both online and printed version. The journal is of high factor and has vital insight information for scholars in the field of linguistics. To view more details about this journal and published articles

  • International Journal of Leadership and Governance

    The International Journal of Leadership and Governance (IJLG) is a monthly, peer-reviewed, open access journal published by IPRJB Journals. The aim of the journal is to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to share and discuss their insights, experiences, and perspectives on various aspects of leadership and governance in different contexts. The scope of the journal covers topics such as leadership theories and practices, governance models and mechanisms, ethical and moral leadership, leadership development and education, leadership and organizational change, leadership and diversity, leadership and innovation, leadership and sustainability, and other related issues.

  • International Journal of Fashion and Design

    International Journal of Fashion and Design (IJFD) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and case studies on all aspects of fashion and design. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to share their insights, innovations, and perspectives on the theory and practice of fashion and design. The journal covers topics such as fashion history, culture, trends, marketing, merchandising, branding, communication, sustainability, ethics, education, technology, and innovation.

  • International Journal of Strategic Management

    The International Journal of Strategic Management (IJSM) is one of the IPRJB journals that offer high-quality and cutting-edge research in strategic management. By publishing in this journal, authors can enhance their academic reputation, increase their citation impact, and reach a global audience. The journal welcomes submissions from all areas of strategic management that are relevant, original, and rigorous.

  • Global Journal of Purchasing and Procurement Management

    Global Journal of Purchasing and Procurement Management (GJPPM) is a peer reviewed journal published by  IPRJB. The journal is published in printed and online version. Being a high factor journal  GJPPM is accredited for redirecting knowledge and information in new direction.Global Journal of Purchasing and Procurement Management (GJPPM) stands as a pivotal hub where innovative research and cutting-edge practices converge to advance the fields of purchasing and procurement. By emphasizing indexing, quality review, author support, and affordability, GJPPM fosters an environment where research-driven insights fuel transformative discussions, shaping the future of purchasing and procurement strategies worldwide.

  • African Journal of Information and Knowledge Management

    The African Journal of Information and Knowledge Management is a prestigious and reputable journal that welcomes submissions from researchers, practitioners, and policy makers who are interested in advancing the field of information and knowledge management. By publishing in AJIKM, you will contribute to the development of knowledge and practice in this important domain. African Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (AJIKM) invite you to join their growing community of authors and readers.

  • Journal of Livestock Policy

    Journal of livestock policy (JLP) is an open access journal that publishes monthly papers on livestock policy. It covers a wide range of topics related to animal health, food security, environmental and social impacts, trade and market access, governance and regulation, innovation and development, and education and extension. The journal has an ISSN number and a DOI prefix and is indexed in several databases. It has a fast and double-blinded peer-review process with an experienced editorial team. Authors keep the copyright of their work and allow the journal to publish, distribute and archive it.

  • Journal of Animal Health

    The Journal of Animal Health (JAH) is an open access journal that publishes monthly articles on various topics related to animal health. The journal accepts submissions from researchers, veterinarians, animal scientists, and practitioners who work with different kinds of animals, including aquatic and avian species. The journal has a fast and rigorous peer-review process that ensures the quality and originality of the articles. The journal also provides a DOI for each article, which makes it easy to access and cite. The journal allows authors to keep the copyright of their articles and share them freely under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Publishing in the JAH can help authors to reach a large and diverse audience, improve their academic reputation, and advance the field of animal health science.

  • International Journal of Sociology

    The International Journal of Sociology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes papers and reviews in sociology and related fields. The journal aims to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and policy makers to share their insights, perspectives, and experiences on various sociological topics. The journal covers topics such as social theory, social change, social movements, social stratification, social institutions, culture, identity, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, globalization, development, environment, health, education, work, family, and media. The journal accepts manuscripts based on empirical research, theoretical analysis, or critical reflection. The journal follows a rigorous peer review process and ethical standards of academic publishing. The journal supports open access and allows the free dissemination and reuse of the published content under the Creative Commons Attribution License. The journal is indexed by Google Scholar and other major databases. The journal participates in the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems for long-term preservation and accessibility. The journal is sponsored by the International Sociological Association and other reputable organizations. The journal invites authors to submit their manuscripts online through the journal's website. The journal provides detailed instructions for authors and offers various services to assist authors in publishing their papers. The International Journal of Sociology is a prestigious and reputable journal that promotes excellence in sociological research and practice. The journal welcomes submissions from authors who wish to publish their papers in an international and interdisciplinary forum.

  • International Journal of Gender Studies

    The IJGS is a journal that publishes research on gender studies. It aims to share knowledge and experiences on gender issues in various fields and contexts. It covers topics such as gender identity, relations, equality, diversity, violence, development, education, health, culture, media, politics, religion, sexuality, and human rights. It is an open access, peer-reviewed, and low-cost journal that offers many benefits for authors. It has an easy online submission system, a rapid peer review process, manuscript editing and proofreading services, high visibility and accessibility online, indexing in major databases, no publication fees or charges, copyright and permissions management, and academic publishing tips and guidelines. To publish in the IJGS, authors should follow the manuscript submission guidelines on the journal website. The manuscripts should be original, unpublished, and not under consideration by any other journal. They should follow the scholarly publishing standards and ethical principles of academic research. They should be prepared according to the manuscript preparation checklist provided by the journal. They should be submitted as a single file in Microsoft Word format. The journal accepts manuscripts in English only.

  • International Journal of Strategic Marketing Practice

    International Journal of Strategic Marketing Practice  (IJSMP) is a peer reviewed journal published by  IPRJB. The journal is published in printed and online version. Being a high factor journal  IJSMP is accredited ISSN and DOAJ bodies world wide.

  • International Journal of Climatic Studies

    IJCS is an open access journal that publishes monthly articles on climate change and its impacts. The journal welcomes contributions from researchers, scholars, policy makers and practitioners who explore the complex and multifaceted aspects of climate change. The journal covers a wide range of topics, such as climate modeling and variability, adaptation and mitigation strategies, climate services and applications, risk and vulnerability assessment, policy and governance issues, communication and education methods, and justice and ethics perspectives.

  • International Journal of Modern Hospitality and Tourism

    International Journal of Modern Hospitality and Tourism (IJMHT) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by IPRJB Journals. The aim of the journal is to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to share and exchange their ideas, experiences and findings on various aspects of hospitality and tourism. The scope of the journal covers topics such as hospitality management, tourism development, destination marketing, service quality, consumer behavior, sustainability and innovation.

  • International Journal of Law and Policy

    International Journal  of law  and Policy (IJLP) is a peer reviewed journal published both online and printed version by IPRJB .The journal offers credible information on interdisciplinary journal of research and commentary concentration on the intersection of law ( public contract law ,energy law ,health law ,criminal law, transport law etc) and policy.

  • Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion

    The JPCR is an academic journal that publishes papers on philosophy, culture and religion. It aims to promote interdisciplinary and intercultural research on the issues that affect our world today. The journal covers topics such as ethics, logic, aesthetics, social philosophy, comparative philosophy, cultural studies, religious studies, theology, and spirituality. The journal is open access, peer-reviewed, and international. It accepts submissions from authors of any nationality, background, and discipline. It also provides editing and proofreading services to help authors improve their manuscripts. The journal is indexed by various databases and has a fast and low-cost publication process. The journal also helps authors with copyright and permissions issues. The JPCR is a great opportunity for scholars, researchers, practitioners, and students to publish their work in an international journal of philosophy, culture and religion.

  • Journal of Human Resource and Leadership

    The Journal of Human Resource and Leadership (JHRL) is a journal that publishes research papers on topics related to managing and leading people. It is open access, peer-reviewed, and international. It aims to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and policy makers to share their insights, experiences, and perspectives. The journal covers topics such as human resource planning, development, evaluation, talent management, performance management, compensation, benefits, training, development, employee engagement, motivation, organizational culture, climate, change, development, leadership styles, behaviors, development, coaching, ethics, values, diversity, inclusion, conflict management, negotiation, teamwork, collaboration, communication, interpersonal skills, creativity, innovation, strategic human resource management and human resource analytics and metrics. The journal welcomes submissions of original research papers, review papers, case studies, book reviews, and conference reports. The journal follows a rigorous peer review process and offers manuscript editing and proofreading services. The journal is indexed by reputable databases and has a fast and low cost publication process.

  • Journal of Statistics and Actuarial Research

    The Journal of Statistics and Actuarial Research (JSAR) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by IPRJB Journals. The aim of JSAR is to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to share and exchange ideas, methods, and applications in the fields of statistics and actuarial science. The scope of JSAR covers topics such as statistical theory, methods, computation, inference, modeling, analysis, data science, machine learning, biostatistics, epidemiology, demography, insurance, risk management, financial mathematics, and related areas. The peer-review process is double-blinded to ensure the quality and integrity of the published papers.

  • Journal of Conflict Management

    The Journal of Conflict Management (JCM) is a monthly, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes research and practice on various aspects of conflict management. The journal has an online ISSN of 2710-396X and a DOI prefix of 10.47604/jcm. The journal is indexed in several databases and has a fast and rigorous double-blinded peer review process. The authors keep the copyright of their articles and can distribute them for non-commercial purposes. The journal aims to provide a platform for sharing and exchanging insights and experiences on conflict management, such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, dispute resolution, peacebuilding, and reconciliation. The journal also seeks to promote peace and harmony in the world by addressing the causes and consequences of conflict. Publishing in JCM is beneficial for researchers and practitioners who want to reach a wide and diverse audience, enhance their academic reputation and visibility, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practice in the field of conflict management.

  • Journal of International Relations

    The Journal of International Relations (JIR) is a journal that publishes research papers on international relations. It covers topics such as diplomacy, security, conflict resolution, global governance, human rights, and international law. The journal aims to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers to share their insights and perspectives on the global issues and challenges.

    The JIR has a peer review process that ensures the quality and originality of the papers. The journal follows the tips and best practices of the International Academic Publishers Association (IAPA). The journal also offers editing and proofreading services to help authors improve their papers. The journal has a fast publication process and a low cost for publication. The journal is indexed by Google Scholar and other databases, enhancing the visibility and impact of the papers. The journal also provides copyright and permissions services to help authors protect their rights and comply with the ethical guidelines. The journal also encourages authors to publish a review paper or a meta-analysis of existing literature on a relevant topic.

  • International Journal of Psychology

    Journal of Psychology (IJP) is a peer reviewed journal by published by IPRJB .JP contains empirical research and theoretical articles in applied areas of psychology including behavorial  psychology ,clinical psychology ,cognitive psychology ,ethical psychology ,counselling psychology, cultural psychology ,educational psychology etc.Morever to publishing interdisciplinary research that integrates psychology and other fields is also solicited (eg.psychology and law ,psychology and consumer behaviour, psychology and religion.JP is published both online and printed version and is accredited for high quality information .

  • International Journal of Communication and Public Relation

    The IJCPR is a journal that publishes research on communication and public relation. It is open access and peer-reviewed, and accepts original and innovative papers from different fields and perspectives. The journal covers topics such as communication theory, media studies, public relations, crisis communication, corporate communication, digital media, and communication education. The journal has a high quality standard and offers editing and proofreading services to authors. The journal is indexed by Google Scholar and other databases, and has a fast and low-cost publication option. The journal has an online submission system and clear guidelines for authors. The IJCPR is a great platform for sharing research on communication and public relation with a global audience.

  • Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development

    Journal of  Poverty Investment and  Development(JPID) is a peer reviewed journal by IPRJB  .Published both online and printed version it  has accredited information on healthcare issues ,hunger education ,living, violence ,poverty reduction ,investment ,public perception and cultural dynamics under the globalization and industrial background ,international development society and population sustainability etc which not limited .

  • Journal of Developing Country Studies

    Journal of Developing Countries Studies( JDCS)  is a peer reviewed journal  published by IPRJB.Published both online and printed version JDSC contains original papers at the forefront of social, economic , trade and legislative issues related to developing countries .It is  a high factor journal and one of the best known international journal on area concerning development studies

  • Journal of Public Policy and Administration

    Journal of Public Policy Administration (JPPA) is a speedy reviewed journal published by IPRJB .It aims to publish reviewed material within the broad field of public policy and administration, with its scope also including public  administration, policy management ,organizational theory etc.JPPA has  been published both online and printed version with high insight information for redirecting new directions.

  • Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing

    Journal of Health Medicine and Nursing( JHMN) is a peer reviewed journal published by IPRJB.Published both online and printed version the scope of the journal include physical and mental health, diet exercises ,science on health issues ,public health and safety issues ,mechanism in medicine technology and manufacturing of medicine ,diagnosis surgery , health care nursing practices ,nurse training and education ,nursing ethics etc.JHMN is one of the best journal accredited for vital insight information.

  • Global Journal of Health Sciences

    The aim of the journal is to publish open access, peer reviewed high quality scientific research in the field of medical science and to publish such research findings globally to the medical scientific community. The manuscripts submitted to the journal must meet the following criteria: the manuscript should be original, proper credit/citations must be given to the researchers whose material is used while framing the study, the methodology section must contain various tools and techniques used for data analysis and it should be according to international standards , results should be unambiguous, properly depicted using appropriate tables and figures/photographs, discussion & conclusions should be sensible and based on the research findings, and lastly the topic should be of clinical or medical interest and findings should impart clinical significance to the readers and researchers. Manuscripts involving animal or human participants should have ethical clearance from their Institutional Ethical Committees. The journal has a dedicated editorial team consisting of scientists from medical background that ensures unbiased peer-review and is actively involved in the development of this journal into an important platform for communication among researchers from various basic or clinical medical fields.

    The journal not only focuses on establishing the hypothesis into facts and guidelines, but it also guide on the recent trends of various diseases and on their effective treatment. The Journal accepts and publishes original research articles, review articles, case reports, case series, brief review/communication, editorials and letter to editor. The Scope of the journal includes: Medical Sciences, Dentistry, Nursing and Allied Health Sciences.

  • International Journal of Technology and Systems

    International Journal of Technology and Systems (IJTS) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original and innovative research on technology and systems. It has an ISSN number, a DOI, and is indexed in several databases. It has a fast and double-blinded peer review process and authors retain copyright. The journal covers topics such as information technology, computer science, engineering, artificial intelligence, robotics, cyber-physical systems, smart cities, internet of things, and more.

  • Asian Journal of Computing and Engineering Technology

    Asian Journal of Computing and Engineering Technology (AJCET) is a high-quality journal that publishes original and cutting-edge research in computing and engineering fields. It offers a fast and fair peer review process, open access publication, wide visibility and impact, and author rights protection. Publishing in AJCET can enhance your academic reputation and career prospects.

  • International Journal of Food Sciences

    The International Journal of Food Sciences (IJF) is a reputable and accessible journal that publishes original and innovative research in food sciences. It covers topics such as food chemistry, microbiology, engineering, processing, quality, safety, nutrition and biotechnology. It is a monthly, open access and peer-reviewed journal with an ISSN number and a DOI prefix. It is indexed in several databases and platforms for easy discovery and citation. The peer-review process is fast and fair, with double-blind anonymity for both reviewers and authors. The authors keep the ownership of their papers and can benefit from the visibility and impact of publishing in IJF. Publishing in IJF can help you share your research with a global audience and contribute to the development of knowledge and innovation in food sciences.

  • International Journal of Agriculture

    The International Journal of Agriculture is a journal that publishes research on various aspects of agriculture. It is published by IPRJB USA LLC and has an ISSN and a DOI. It is peer-reviewed and indexed in many databases. It has a fast and strict publication process and low fees for authors from developing countries. It is a useful journal for anyone who wants to learn more about agriculture in the world.

  • International Journal of Biology

    International Journal of Biology (IJB) is an open access journal that publishes original and innovative research papers in various fields of biology. The journal has a monthly frequency, a fast and rigorous peer-review process, and a reputable editorial board. The journal is indexed in several databases and has a high visibility and impact. Authors who publish in IJB can retain their rights and archive their papers in any repository. The journal welcomes submissions from researchers, scholars, and practitioners who are interested in advancing the knowledge and understanding of biology.

  • International Journal of Environmental Sciences

    The International Journal of Environmental Sciences (IJES) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by IPRJB Journals. The aim of the journal is to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to share and discuss their findings, experiences, and perspectives on various aspects of environmental sciences. The scope of the journal covers topics such as environmental engineering, environmental management, environmental chemistry, environmental biology, environmental economics, environmental policy, and environmental education.

  • International Journal of Natural Sciences

    International Journal of Natural Science (IJNS) is a peer reviewed journal by IPRJB. IJNS focuses on chemistry ,divinity ,space science ,physics life science ,earth and a host of other related areas,.IJNS is published both printed and online version for advanced student and reflective practioneers .

  • American Journal of Physical Sciences

    The American Journal of Physical Sciences (AJPS) is a monthly, peer-reviewed, open access journal published by IPRJB Journals. The aim of AJPS is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their original and innovative findings in various fields of physical sciences, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, geology, and engineering. The scope of AJPS covers both theoretical and experimental aspects of physical sciences, as well as interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary topics.

  • African Journal of Education and Practice

    African Journal of education and practice(AJEP) is a peer reviewed African journal published by IPRJB.It has significant findings that provide knowledge to readers  on education environments ,innovative responses  ,preparation programs ,teaching and learning in all levels education and practice. Published both in printed and online version the journal is of high factor.

  • International Journal of History Research

    International Journal of History and Research( IJHR) is a peer reviewed journal published by IPRJB.It has accredited information on past history covering a broad range of historical approaches including social ,economic ,political ,diplomatic ,intellectual and cultural .The journal has a broad coverage in terms of both methodology and geographic scope.IJHR is published both online and printed version.

  • International Journal of Online and Distance Learning

    International journal of Online and Distance (IJODL) learning is a speedy reviewed journal published by IPRJB .The journal aims to promote and encourage scholarly work in online and distance learning .The journal is published in both online and printed version and contain accredited insight information for redirecting information on new directions.

  • International Journal of Supply Chain Management

    International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM) is a peer reviewed journal published  IPRJB. Published both online and printed version the journal contain high quality ,supply chain empirical research that has significant impact on areas of supply chain but not limited data analytic, demand forecasting, innovation ,integration and collaboration, lean and agile ,procurement ,risk management ,sustainability and value chain strategies are considered.

  • European Journal of Business and Strategic Management

    European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) is a peer reviewed journal published by IPRJB. The scopes of the EJBSM include, but not limited to business, management, marketing, finance, economics, human resource management, strategies and decision science. The journal is published in both printed and online versions. The ambition of EJBSM is to become a recognized top tier journal, acclaimed for redirecting international business research and management studies for defining new directions.

  • International Journal of Economics

    International Journal of Economics (IJECON) stands as a beacon of scholarly excellence in the realm of economics. By emphasizing indexing, quality review, author recognition, and affordability, International Journal of Economics (IJECON) nurtures a vibrant academic environment where economic insights converge, enriching the field of economics with each publication.

  • International Journal of Finance and Accounting

    International Journal of Finance and Accounting (IJFA) is a peer reviewed journal published by IPRJB.IJAF emphasize on the interdependency of accounting and finance reflects the increasing complexity of corporate financial management in recent years and  verifies the importance of understanding accounting and finance from an international context. Being a high factor journal IJAF is published in both online and printed version.IJFA is a prestigious and reliable journal that publishes high-quality research in finance and accounting. By publishing in IJFA, the authors can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practice in their fields.


  • International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management

    International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management (IJEPM) is a peer reviewed journal published by IPRJB.The journal contains high quality manuscripts dealing with entrepreneurship ,broadly defined and the management of entrepreneurial organization .The journal covers the relationship between management and entrepreneurship including both conceptual and empirical papers leading to an improvement in the understanding of international entrepreneurial perspectives in the organization corncerned.The journal is published both online and printed versions.