energy sources, hematology, biochemistryAbstract
Purpose: This study examined the effect of three different energy sources on hematology and serum biochemistry of rabbits.
Methodology: Eighteen seven-weeks old rabbits where randomly divided into three groups (A, B and C), each consisting of six rabbits. Group A, B and C were given maize, sorghum and millet respectively as their sources of energy and were fed for a period of five weeks before sample collection and analysis.
Findings: The results showed, that there was no significant different (P>0.05) in the hematology and serum biochemistry. Nevertheless, the red blood cells in all the treatment fell below the normal range. It was observed that the alkaline phosphatase of all the experimental rabbits were above the normal range. This study suggests that our test materials were not toxic to the muscle, kidney and liver of rabbits at 52.21% inclusion level.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This implies that sorghum or millet can completely replace maize in rabbit diet with no adverse effect on the hematology and serum biochemistry parameters of rabbits.
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