Understanding of Connectivity and Interlinkages between Human Activities and Climate Change: Community Perspectives from Kenya


  • Kibue, G.W Egerton University
  • Kirui, K.B. Egerton University




Community Knowledge, Connectivity, Interlinkages, Human Activities, Climate Change, Kenya


Purpose: This study was conducted in Nakuru County, Kenya and aimed at assessing the community knowledge of the complex interrelationship between individual and collective activities and climate change in Kenya. Specifically, we assessed the knowledge and perception of climate change, grassroot information flow on Greenhouse Gas (GHGs) and climate change, and local practices/activities taken towards mitigation/adaptation to climate change.

Methodology:  The study involved both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Data was collected using literature reviews, questionnaires, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews.  Descriptive analysis was used to summarize data that were then presented as frequencies and percentages. Index construction was undertaken by summing up the scores for all statements relating to knowledge and perceptions to obtain a single group of variables. Chi-square tests were used to test relationship between variables. 

Findings: Eighty (80%)of the respondents indicated that climate change is real, 69% of which attributed it to human activities, majorly (52%), clearance of vegetation. Most of the respondents (63%) had no idea about any climate change policy in the county while barely half (48%) could identify at least 1 greenhouse gas. This points to a gap in knowledge transmission from the national/County to the community and perhaps lack of sufficient community involvement in policy making. It was further established that there was a disconnect in information flow from scientific sources to communities that most respondents (63%) obtained climate information from community groups while only 2% relied on scientific sources, which would provide accurate information. this implies that the respondents may not be employing climate change mitigation strategies in their everyday interventions. Gender and education had significant influence on awareness and attitude towards climate change.


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How to Cite

Kibue, G., & Kirui, K. (2024). Understanding of Connectivity and Interlinkages between Human Activities and Climate Change: Community Perspectives from Kenya. International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 7(3), 24–39. https://doi.org/10.47604/ijes.2778


