Foreign Equity Portfolio Investments and Market Returns at the NSE20 Share Index; Kenya
Foreign Portfolio Investments, Foreign Equity Investment, Foreign Bond Investment, Foreign Treasury Bill Investment, Foreign Investment of Exchange Traded FundsAbstract
Purpose: Foreign portfolio investments have continued to play an important role in the world today because investors are more interested in investments that will give them higher returns for their investments. The purpose the study was to establish the effect of foreign portfolio investments and market returns in Kenya. The specific variables studied were foreign equity portfolios, foreign bond portfolios, foreign portfolio of treasury bills and foreign portfolio of exchange traded funds and how they affect the market returns at the NSE20 share index in Kenya.
Methodology: The research methodology applied panel regression for inferential findings and Langrage multiplier test done to determine the pooled effect with the aid of STATA 18 software. Secondary data was sourced from the NSE annual reports, CMA bulletins, CBK websites of the respective companies listed in the index for the period between 2013 to 2022.
Findings: The study findings indicated a positive and significant relationship of foreign equity portfolios, foreign portfolio of T Bills and foreign portfolio of ETFs with market returns at the NSE20 share index. Conversely, foreign bond portfolio exhibited a negative significant relationship with market returns at the NSE 20 share index.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study supported Modern Portfolio Theory(MPT) that suggests that for an investor to maximize returns, an investor will choose from a wide array of portfolios that will suit his needs and risk profiles and Neoclassical Theory of Investment that suggests that investors will take advantage of location differences to profit from arbitrage opportunities and Total portfolio theory that suggests that combination of securities posits a higher performance due to significant diversification benefits linked to a basket of securities. The Modern portfolio theory measuring market return seemed to hold in that it will give an investor an understanding of the most efficient portfolio that will give the largest returns at a given level of risk. The theory was suggested for future related research because it will give an investor a strategy for successful portfolio investments.
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