
  • Kandia Dennis Ireri University of Eastern Africa - Baraton
  • Prof. Abraham Idowu University of Eastern Africa - Baraton



asset loan management system, liability/saving management system, financial management system, credit cooperative societies


Purpose: This study investigated the effectiveness of information technology on the operations of SACCO's within Nairobi.

Methodology:The study used a descriptive research design. The target population consisted of various Sacco members of Sacco's in Nairobi County. This study used a multistage sampling technique.  The data collection techniques involved document analysis and questionnaires. A pilot study was conducted on 10% (15 respondents) of the study sample size. The questionnaires were self-administered. Data was gathered, coded and recorded into Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) program. Through descriptive statistics, the researcher summarized data in a meaningful way by making calculations to determine percentage for the response to satisfactory factors of the respondents and helped analyze profiles of the SACCO.

Results:Based on the findings of the study concluded that; the SACCO members perceived that the effectiveness of ATM system, effectiveness of asset loan management system, effectiveness of liability/saving management system and the effectiveness of financial management system influenced the operations of savings and credit cooperative societies.

Policy recommendation:SACCOs should commit more resources into the adoption and maintenance of information technology systems since they influence their operations positively.SACCOs should increase the number of ATMs since their effectiveness affect their operations positively SACCOs should maintain their asset loan management systems so as to ensure that members can access loans whenever they are in need


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Author Biographies

Kandia Dennis Ireri, University of Eastern Africa - Baraton

Post Graduate Student, School of Business

Prof. Abraham Idowu, University of Eastern Africa - Baraton



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