Gender Analysis and Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction at Ministry of Urban Development and Infrastructure, Ethiopia
Chi-Square, Gender, Job Satisfaction, MUDI, Multi Nominal Logistic RegressionAbstract
Purpose: Employee job satisfaction is a pre-requisite for an organization. The aim of this study is to analyze the level of job satisfaction & its determinant factors among male and female employees at Ministry of Urban Development and Infrastructure (MUDI).
Methodology: 245 questionnaires, 62 in-depth & key informants interview were collected from employee for quantitative & qualitative data respectively. The Percentage frequency, multi nominal logistic regression model (MNLRM used for quantitative data analysis and thematic analysis for qualitative data.
Findings: The study finding result indicated that salary, fringe benefits, promotions with standard criteria, promotion chance for training & education, working environment, clear workflow, co-workers relationship, colleague value the work, evaluation criteria, evaluator approach, recognition & reward were statistically significant P≤ 0.05 and the main determinant factors affecting employee job satisfaction. The Qualitative analysis also supports this Quantitative result. The parameter estimates of MNLRM between sex indicates that male are dissatisfied significantly than female in Salary, fringe benefits, fair promotion chance for training & education. Whereas female were dissatisfied than male in transparent procedure & clear work flow, supervisor value, Co-worker relation, Supervisor evaluation approaches. Among demographic factors, Age (P, 0.000), Education Status (P, 0.001), salary (P, 0.000), Work experience (P, 0.043), work position (P, 0.000) were statistically significance which are ≤0.05 and major factor affecting the level of job satisfaction where as Marital status was not significant in this study.
Unique Contributions to Theory, Practice and Policy: In Conclusion there is statistical significance difference between male & female employee on the level of job satisfaction at MUDI.
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