Climate Change and Ocean Acidification: Unraveling the Complex Interactions and Implications for Marine Ecosystems


  • Mohammed Samiullah BRAC University
  • Roufa Khanum BRAC University



Ocean Acidification, Climate Change, Marine Ecosystems, Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Purpose: The study aims to investigate the intricate relationship between ocean acidification and climate change, providing insights into their impacts on marine ecosystems. It seeks to identify sources of greenhouse gases, assess reef vulnerability, and analyze temperature changes' effects on marine biodiversity.

Methodology: Quantitative research methods are employed, utilizing data from Bangladesh, the USA, India, and the UK. Dynamic patterns in coral reef health, ocean acidification, greenhouse gas emissions, and marine ecosystem health are assessed between 2019 and 2023. Qualitative analysis supplements the quantitative findings, enhancing understanding of climate change's impacts on marine ecosystems and mitigation strategies.

Findings: The study reveals clear patterns in the countries studied, emphasizing the urgency for continuous monitoring and protection of marine ecosystems. It provides insights into how climate change affects marine ecosystems, triggers ocean acidification, and identifies sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The research underscores the necessity for collaborative efforts to address climate change impacts and promote ecosystem resilience.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice, and Policy: The study contributes to a better understanding of the complex dynamics between ocean acidification, climate change, and marine ecosystems. It offers valuable insights to inform conservation initiatives, policy decisions, and strategies aimed at mitigating adverse impacts on marine species. By highlighting the importance of collective action, the research advocates for a comprehensive approach to address climate change's effects on ecosystems and oceans, fostering resilience and sustainability.


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How to Cite

Samiullah, M., & Khanum, R. (2024). Climate Change and Ocean Acidification: Unraveling the Complex Interactions and Implications for Marine Ecosystems. International Journal of Natural Sciences, 4(1), 1–14.


