Impact of Work-Related Stress on Japanese Medical Professionals Employees' Psychological Well-Being


  • Fujino Hitoshi University of Tokyo



Effects of Stress, Medical Professionals, Occupational Stress, Psychological Well-Being, Stress Factors.


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of occupational stress caused by job stress factors, working relationships and physical working conditions on the psychological well-being of medical professionals in hospitals in Japan.

Methodology: The study adopted a desktop methodology. Desk research refers to secondary data or that which can be collected without fieldwork. Desk research is basically involved in collecting data from existing resources hence it is often considered a low-cost technique as compared to field research, as the main cost is involved in executive's time, telephone charges and directories. Thus, the study relied on already published studies, reports and statistics. This secondary data was easily accessed through the online journals and library.

Results: The results revealed that there exist conceptual and contextual gaps relating to the study on effect of occupational stress caused by job stress factors, working relationships and physical working conditions on the psychological well-being of medical professionals in hospitals in Japan. Preliminary empirical review reveals that. only relationships with colleagues differ significantly based on the professional cadre of the respondents (p< 0.05) and insignificant relationship between job stress factors and psychological well-being (r = 0.058, p > 0.05).

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The job demand - control model and the job demands - resources model may be used to categorize the key work design factors which may relate to stress-related health issues.  The results of this research will form the basis for further research to aid academicians and practitioners with knowledge on the relevance of establishing appropriate stress and health management system.


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How to Cite

Hitoshi, F. (2023). Impact of Work-Related Stress on Japanese Medical Professionals Employees’ Psychological Well-Being . International Journal of Psychology, 8(1), 12–22.


