Adoption of Internet of Things Farm Factors Farmer Perception of Technology Product-Related Factors Environmental FactorsAbstract
Purpose: The current study sought to investigate the factors affecting the adoption of IoT in agriculture with a focus on greenhouse farming in Kenya. In particular, the objectives are to establish the effect of farmer perception of technology, product-related, farm and environmental factors on the adoption of IoT technology in the selected greenhouse farms in Kenya.
Methodology: A descriptive cross-section research design was used. The study targeted 198 greenhouse farm managers who were sampled to 130 greenhouse farm managers by a proportionate (stratified) sampling technique. The unit of analysis was the selected 3 greenhouse farms (Amiran Kenya Ltd farms, Illuminum Greenhouses Kenya farms and East Africa Growers Ltd (EAGA) farms). The unit of observation was the greenhouse farm managers and the greenhouse staff of the respective greenhouse farms. Primary data was collected using self-questionnaires. The collected data were coded and analyzed to generate both descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics. Quantitative data was presented in Tables and figures while qualitative information was evaluated using content analysis, and the findings were presented thematically.
Findings: The findings indicate that farm factors (β=0.413, p=0.000), farmer perception of technology (β=0.139, p=0.005 respectively), product-related factors (β=0.349, p=0.000 respectively) and environmental factors (β=0.383, p=0.000 respectively) have a positive and significant relationship with the adoption of IoT Technology in the selected greenhouse farms in Kenya.
Unique contributions to theory, policy and practice: Theoretically, the findings form the basis of understanding and validating the factors that inform the adoption of IoT among greenhouse farmers. Policy makers and stakeholders in the greenhouse industry are able to assess the areas that are disadvantaged in terms of IoT and increase the awareness, training and usage of such technology to help the farmers identify the benefits of IoT. This information guides the direction of the agricultural industry and the readiness to embrace new technology, the farmers need to be sensitized on the available IoT devices that can boost their yields and optimize production. There is a need for the authority to intensify the sensitization of the use of IoT technology to ensure optimum application of resources to achieve high crop yields and reduce operational costs this is called precision agriculture. The study recommends the policymakers, that is, the Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) who is responsible to facilitate and intensify the development and spread of the information and IT to the agricultural sector on the need for technological integration in their operation. The study to that extent recommends (based on the advantages that outweigh the disadvantages of IoT) that the farmers have a positive attitude towards the use of IoT. This forms a basis for them to develop and sustain a competitive advantage against their competitors in the industry.
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