The Dark Side of IT: The Negative Aspects of Information Technology


  • Faisal Baizat
  • Zainab Al Rahma Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University
  • Sumaia Abusaid Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University



Information Technology, Cybercrime, Social Media, Excessive Usage, Distraction Levels, Cyberbullying


Purpose: The development of information technology (IT) has drastically helped and improved our lives. However, it also has several negative aspects that we discuss in this paper. The purpose of this research is to understand the negative impacts of information technology.

Methodology: We conducted a literature review using data from previous researchers, journals, and websites. The nature of this paper is casual and analytical to focus on cause and effect and using a quantitative approach for the data collection method. We used Microsoft Excel and SPSS to record and analyze the data using both regression and correlation tests.

Findings: Firstly, we found that there is a significant impact of social media on cybercrime. Secondly, we found that there is a positive relationship between user impact and distraction levels. Lastly, the results showed that there is no correlation between the overuse of technology and health issues which rejected our third hypothesis and our findings in the literature review. Despite this, we find that amount of media and technology consumption can influence the side effects of IT. We recommend that excessive usage of social media and other forms of technology should be avoided.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: We presented wide range of negative issues (i.e. health, cybercrime and cyberbullying) surrounding IT and social media consumption. The results of our research underscored the need to develop policies for organizations that produce or manufacture different IT products consumed by most people and operate social media platforms, in order to ensure that safety and security features are prioritized and implemented. The government and parents also play fundamental roles in minimizing the negative impacts of IT.




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How to Cite

Baizat, F., Rahma, Z., & Abusaid, S. (2022). The Dark Side of IT: The Negative Aspects of Information Technology. International Journal of Technology and Systems, 7(2), 95–115.


