Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing Practices: A Systematic Review in Tanzanian Software Development Companies


  • Magori Alphonce University of Dar es Salaam


Software Testing, Software Development, Challenges, Systematic Review


Purpose: Software testing is an integral phase in the software development lifecycle, ensuring the delivery of high-quality software products. However, software development companies in Tanzania grapple with significant challenges in their software testing practices. This systematic review aims to identify, analyze, and propose potential solutions to these challenges. The primary objective of this study is to address the research question: "What are the challenges related to the existing software testing practices in software development companies?"

Methodology: The study conducted an extensive literature search and analyzed relevant studies published between 2010 and 2023.

Findings: Inadequate Testing Resources: Many companies contend with limited budgets, time constraints, and insufficient personnel dedicated to testing. Lack of Collaboration between Developers and Testers: Effective collaboration between developers and testers is paramount for successful software testing. Lack of Automated Testing Tools: Automation plays a pivotal role in enhancing testing efficiency and effectiveness. Unfortunately, many Tanzanian companies lack access to essential automated testing tools. Inadequate Test Coverage: Comprehensive test coverage, encompassing aspects like input validation, boundary conditions, and error handling, is often lacking.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Implementing Agile Methodologies. Agile methodologies foster collaboration, communication, and flexibility, creating an environment conducive to effective software testing. Using Cloud-Based Testing Tools. Cloud-based testing tools provide access to a diverse array of testing resources without necessitating extensive local infrastructure. Adopting Continuous Integration and Deployment Practices. Continuous integration and Deployment practices guarantee that software changes undergo thorough testing and swift deployment. Improving Test Case Design and Prioritization: Engaging stakeholders in the testing process and employing risk-based testing approaches. This systematic review sheds light on the challenges confronting software development companies in Tanzania concerning software testing practices and offers practical solutions to surmount these hurdles.


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How to Cite

Magori, A. . (2023). Challenges and Solutions in Software Testing Practices: A Systematic Review in Tanzanian Software Development Companies. International Journal of Technology and Systems, 8(3), 1–11. Retrieved from


