Global Perspectives on AI Usage in the Education Sector: Insights from the UAE Education System


  • Shamma Alshamsi Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University
  • Dareen Alshamsi Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University
  • Khadeyyah Mohammed Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University
  • Dr. Mounir El Khatib Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University



Artificial Intelligence, UAE Education, Personalized Learning, Teaching Quality


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the education sector, with a focus on global applications and insights from the UAE context.

Methodology: The study employed a qualitative research design, involving structured interviews with 15 educational experts across the UAE, complemented by a review of global AI trends.

Findings: Results indicate that AI transforms student performance and teaching quality by personalizing learning experiences and offering real-time feedback. However, challenges such as ethical considerations, infrastructure needs, and teacher training gaps remain prevalent.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Strategies for maximizing AI benefits include fostering public-private partnerships, teacher training programs, ethical policy frameworks, and establishing innovation centres.


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How to Cite

Alshamsi, S., Alshamsi, D., Mohammed, K., & El Khatib, M. (2025). Global Perspectives on AI Usage in the Education Sector: Insights from the UAE Education System. International Journal of Technology and Systems, 10(2), 1–26.


