The Validation of adoption model for vehicle tracking and monitoring systems in the Kenya police service


  • Damaris Ndunge Strathmore University
  • Dr. Benard Shibwabo Strathmore University


validation adoption of model, vehicle tracking, monitoring systems


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to validate the adoption model for vehicle tracking and monitoring systems in the Kenya police service.

Methodology: This research used explanatory research design. The population of this research consisted of all the 110 police stations and police posts in Nairobi County. A sample of 57 police stations and police posts was selected. The research used primary data that was collected by use of questionnaires. The research used both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics in the analysis. The study further conducted structural modeling analysis using the partial least square to validate the proposed model. SPSS-Amos was used for data analysis.

Results: Validity tests proved that the variables in the model were significant in explaining the behavioral perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of police towards vehicle tracking and monitoring systems use. Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use were also significant in explaining the behavioral intention to use of police towards vehicle tracking and monitoring systems use. The final model accounted for a significant variance of behavioral intention towards vehicle tracking and monitoring systems use.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Based on the study findings, the study recommends that the Kenya police service should consider adopting the proposed model in implementing vehicle tracking and monitoring systems. The research sets a baseline from a demand side point of view to enable supply side (developers) can use this information to see how best to develop tracking systems that would appeal to users and be highly adopted.


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Author Biographies

Damaris Ndunge, Strathmore University

post graduate student

Dr. Benard Shibwabo, Strathmore University



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How to Cite

Ndunge, D., & Shibwabo, D. B. (2016). The Validation of adoption model for vehicle tracking and monitoring systems in the Kenya police service. International Journal of Technology and Systems, 1(1), 89–100. Retrieved from


