
  • James Gathogo Kamau Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr. Thomas A. Senaji, R. Eng. Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr. Susan C. Nzioki Kenya Methodist University


Information Technology Capability, Commercial Bank and Competitive Advantage


Purpose: The study sought to establish the effect of Information Technology Capability on competitive advantage of the banking sector in Kenya.

Methodology: The study is anchored on the McKinsey 7S Framework Model and the dynamic capability Theory. A positivist research philosophy was adopted for the study. Focusing on 39 operational commercial banks in Kenya, a descriptive survey design was adopted. Primary data was collected and applied in the study.

Findings: The relationship between the variables was tested using ordinary east square regression model. The study findings revealed that strategic capabilities, that is information technology capability have a positive and significant effect on competitive advantage of commercial banks in Kenya. 

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study findings led to the recommendation that the commercial banks should enhance the practices that improves their strategic capabilities.


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Author Biographies

James Gathogo Kamau, Kenya Methodist University

Post Graduate Student

Dr. Thomas A. Senaji, R. Eng., Kenya Methodist University


Dr. Susan C. Nzioki, Kenya Methodist University



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How to Cite

Kamau, J. G., R. Eng., D. T. A. S., & Nzioki, D. S. C. (2019). EFFECT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CAPABILITY ON COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF THE KENYAN BANKING SECTOR. International Journal of Technology and Systems, 4(1), 1 – 20. Retrieved from https://iprjb.org/journals/index.php/IJTS/article/view/837


