
  • Zabron Githongo Mburu Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology School of Computing and Information Technology
  • Dr. Lawrence Nderu Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology School of Computing and Information Technology
  • Dr. Mwalili Tobias Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology School of Computing and Information Technology


Digital Identity, Silo System, Federated IDMS, Centralized IDMs, User-centric identity systems.


Purpose: Public and private Institutions are presently facing challenges in the control of users accessing information via online platforms. Institutions presently control classified user identity information via online platforms. Trends indicate there is insignificant control of classified information within organizations, making it one of the serious threats facing governments and organizations. Digital Identity Management Systems (DIMS) are very vital in organization infrastructure for the purpose of authenticating users and supporting unlimited access control of services. The core intention of this paper is to review the existing digital identity management models and analyze the extent of the research work.

Methodology: The paper will review the characteristics of Digital Identity Management Models and evaluate on how trust and privacy issues impact or influence the establishment of an effective digital identity management system.

Findings: This paper reviews existing digital identity management system models. Regulation of information in cases when the entities requiring access to it are both highly diverse and spread is among the most significant challenges to effective identity management. A variety of normal technical questions also faces the field, for example, the manner in which information in centralized and distributed databases can be controlled. In a bid to ensure that information related to authorization and authentication is up to date and dependable within an organization's systems of information, handling personnel has been a major concern of identity management systems.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: A hybrid digital Identity Management System model approach that will aim at solving the gaps identified in the existing digital identity models will be the future paper's subject of concern.


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Author Biographies

Zabron Githongo Mburu, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology School of Computing and Information Technology

Post Graduate Student

Dr. Lawrence Nderu, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology School of Computing and Information Technology


Dr. Mwalili Tobias, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology School of Computing and Information Technology



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How to Cite

Mburu, Z. G., Nderu, D. L., & Tobias, D. M. (2019). REVIEW OF DIGITAL IDENTITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MODELS. International Journal of Technology and Systems, 4(1), 21 – 33. Retrieved from


