Knowledge and the Extent of Integration of Climate Change and Adaptation at Universities in Kenya


  • Kirui, K.B. Egerton University
  • Kibue G.W Egerton University



Climate Change, Kenya, Teaching Staff, Students, Universities


Purpose: This study investigated levels of awareness on climate change in five public universities in Kenya. The study aimed at assessing levels of knowledge on climate change issues among lecturers and students and documenting levels of access to information on climate change among lecturers and students.

Methodology: The study adopted a survey design. The population for the study consisted of 200 hundred undergraduates and lecturers. Data was analysed using both descriptive (frequency counts, percentages, means and standard deviations) and inferential statistics (Chi-square test) and presented in forms of charts and graphs.

Findings: The results showed that teaching staff and students possessed high level of awareness on the concept of climate change, have access to the sources of information and factors of personal experience, public sources and education greatly influence their awareness. There was a statistically significant association between years teaching at the University (Chi-Sq. = 72.844, DF = 3, P-Value = 0.000) and integration of climate change in the courses taught. However, we found no association between gender (Chi-Sq. = 2.534, DF = 1, P-Value = 0.111) and University (Chi-Sq. = 1.279, DF = 4, P-Value = 0.865) where a lecturer was teaching in terms of integration of climate change in the courses taught.

Unique Contributions to Theory, Practice and Policy: These findings indicate the teaching staff and students in Kenya have a widespread awareness of climate change and its immediate threat to human society, while knowledge of how to deal with the challenge due to climate change is still limited. Almost half the respondents believed climate change would result in impacts on human life. Nevertheless, the teaching staff and students need regular capacity development on climate change effects and in turn upscale the knowledge to the wider society.


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How to Cite

Kirui, K., & Kibue, G. (2024). Knowledge and the Extent of Integration of Climate Change and Adaptation at Universities in Kenya. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 8(2), 44–57.


