
  • Jane Hannah Mumbi Mbaluka Department of Population, Reproductive Health and Community Resource Management Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Benjamin M. Ndeleva Department of Surgery and Orthopaedics School of Medicine
  • Dr. Kenneth K. Rucha Department Of Health and Management & Information School of Public Health



Awareness, Knowledge, Cervical Cancer


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to establish the Awareness and Knowledge on Cervical Cancer Screening Services Among Women Aged 30-49 Years In Kitui West Sub-County

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study design was used. The study population was women aged 30-49 years of age. A Multi-stage cluster sampling technique, simple random sampling, proportionate sampling and systemic sampling was used to obtain 270 respondents from the study population. Data was collected using interviewer administered questionnaire to women aged 30-49 years in Kitui west sub-County. The study used quantitative research methods to obtain data from selected respondents. Quantitative data was collected using closed and open ended questionnaires. All interviews were done after obtaining approval from relevant bodies and consent from study respondents. Data from the respondents was analyzed using statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) in conjunction with Microsoft excel. The study used chi-square test calculated at 95% interval and a margin of 0.05% error to determine the relationship between dependent and independent study variables.

Results: The results found out that Majority of the participants 145 (53,7%) were aware of the cancer screening. There was a no significant relationship (p =0 .054) between the awareness and cervical cancer screening services among women aged 30-49 years. The study established that, majority 152 (56.3) of the respondents had low knowledge on cervical cancer and there was an association between knowledge on warning signs (p=0.001) and prevention of cervical cancer (p=0.002) and utilization of cervical cancer screening services.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommends the NGOs and other stakeholders addressing cervical cancer issues should ensure that when creating awareness on screening, they should organize events targeting women and thereafter offer free cervical cancer screening services. The Ministry of Health together with relevant stakeholders should tailor and scale up advocacy and health education seminars in the community to help improved transfer of correct knowledge on cervical cancer screening services thus signify importance of seeking such services early enough.  


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Author Biographies

Jane Hannah Mumbi Mbaluka, Department of Population, Reproductive Health and Community Resource Management Kenyatta University

Post Graduate Student

Dr. Benjamin M. Ndeleva, Department of Surgery and Orthopaedics School of Medicine


Dr. Kenneth K. Rucha, Department Of Health and Management & Information School of Public Health



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How to Cite

Mbaluka, J. H. M., Ndeleva, D. B. M., & Rucha, D. K. K. (2019). AWARENESS AND KNOWLEDGE ON CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING SERVICES AMONG WOMEN AGED 30-49 YEARS IN KITUI WEST SUB-COUNTY. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 4(3), 21 – 30.


