About the Journal

The Journal of International Relations (JIR) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research papers on various aspects of international relations, such as diplomacy, security, conflict resolution, global governance, human rights, and international law. The aim of the journal is to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers to share their insights and perspectives on the most pressing issues and challenges facing the global community. The journal welcomes submissions from all disciplines and methodological approaches, as long as they contribute to the advancement of knowledge and understanding of international relations.

The JIR has a rigorous and transparent peer review process that ensures the quality and originality of the published articles. The journal follows the academic publishing tips and best practices recommended by the International Academic Publishers Association (IAPA). The journal also offers manuscript editing and proofreading services to help authors improve their manuscripts and meet the journal's standards. The journal has a fast paper publication process that allows authors to publish their papers within a few months after acceptance. The journal also has a low cost for publication in international journal, making it accessible and affordable for researchers from different backgrounds and regions.

The JIR is indexed by Google Scholar and other reputable databases, enhancing the visibility and impact of the published papers. The journal also provides journal article copyright and permissions services to help authors protect their intellectual property rights and comply with the ethical guidelines of scholarly publishing. The journal also encourages authors to publish a review paper or a meta-analysis of existing literature on a relevant topic, as long as they follow the manuscript submission guidelines and the manuscript preparation checklist.

The JIR is one of the best international journals to publish papers in the field of international relations. It is a peer reviewed academic journal publishing that aims to foster academic excellence and promote scholarly dialogue among researchers and practitioners. The journal also strives to publish in high impact factor journals and reputable journals that have a wide readership and influence. The JIR invites authors to submit their research papers for publication through its online publishing platform. The journal also provides online journal publications and online article publication services to facilitate the dissemination and accessibility of the published papers. The JIR is committed to advancing the field of international relations and contributing to the global public good.