QUR'ANIC TRANSLATION IN THE FRAME OF COMMUNICATION (An Evaluative Study of the Translation of Message Terms in the Qur'anic Translation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia)


  • Mudzhira Nur Amrullah Alauddin State Islamic University




Qur'anic translation, Integration of science, and communication terms


Purpose: This paper critically examines the translation of  message terms in Qur'anic Translation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Republic of Indonesia.

Methodology: The writers analyzed the case through three steps. The first step, is analyzing the context. The context covers people who involved in the process of communication; communicator, communicant, and communication environment. The  second  step,  is  analyzing  key word of communication, especially to look for its derivation and its denotative meaning. The third step,  is determining  the indicators of key word. Finally, is exploring  the  implication of indicator in communication activities.

Result:  The study result shows that some translations of the terms are difficult to understand due to illogical use of Indonesian language. Moreover,   some  translations  of the term do  not refer  the context of the verse. In addition, some translations of the term are overlapped. These translations do not reflect Qur'an-based communication and eventually do not support the   integration of religion and science.

Recommendation: New translation based on a good Indonesian language, context of verse and refers to communication studies will produce a better understanding of  Qur'anic verses of communication. Moreover, it is recommended to use translations of key words that writers offer in this paper as an alternative. In addition, giving footnote for key words is another alternative that should  be considered by translator team.


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How to Cite

Amrullah, A. (2022). QUR’ANIC TRANSLATION IN THE FRAME OF COMMUNICATION (An Evaluative Study of the Translation of Message Terms in the Qur’anic Translation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia). Journal of International Relations, 1(1), 77 – 91. https://doi.org/10.47604/jir.1594


