Cross-Border Conflicts and Social-Economic Development along the Kenya-Ethiopia Border: A Case of Northwestern Kenya


  • Kevin Mwangi Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Andrew Mung'ale Kenyatta University



Cross-Border, Cross-Border Conflict, Social-Economic Development, Strategies, Conflict Management



Purpose: Kenya borders South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Uganda on the western side. The border is ladened with cross-border conflict involving the Turkana of Kenya, Dasanach and Nyangatom of Ethiopia, Toposa of South Sudan, and Karamoja of Uganda. The cross-border conflicts between Kenya and Ethiopia continue to ravage the social-economic development of cross-border communities on the border of Kenya. Thus, this study focused on managing the cross-border conflict and improving economic growth on the Kenyan northwestern border and Kenya-Ethiopia relations.

Methodology: The study used an explanatory research design and multistage sampling. The study sampled the targeted population of 65,218 respondents of the Turkana North constituency. A descriptive analysis of 392 respondents was used in questionnaires, focus group discussions, and observation to collect quantitative and qualitative data.

Findings: The findings indicate a high prevalence of cross-border conflicts, their considerable impacts on the social and economic development of the affected areas and communities, and varying levels of effectiveness of various interventions to resolve the issue. After examining the effect of cross-border conflicts on the social economic development of the Kenya-Ethiopia border, the findings showed that locals on the Kenyan side were victims of cross-border attacks from Merille of Ethiopia, as revealed by 76% of the respondents. The study acknowledged the presence of interventions for Managing cross-border Conflicts and Social Economic Development in Turkana County, Kenya-Ethiopia Border administrative mechanisms in managing cross-border conflicts and improving Kenya-Ethiopia relations. The study concluded that the effectiveness of these strategies would enhance the capacity of Kenya and Ethiopia to alleviate the social economic growth of the people and boost relations in the region. The study evaluated measures for enhancing the interventions for managing Cross-border Conflict and Social Economic Development in Turkana County, Kenya-Ethiopia Border. The study documented the state's various actions to mitigate, reduce, or eradicate cross-border conflict in northwestern Kenya. These actions were meant to address cross-border conflict and improve the social economic development of the area.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Constructivist perspective to the cross-border conflict on Kenyan-Ethiopian conflict allows for a better understanding of how identity, norms, and perceptions contribute to the prevalence and persistence of the conflicts. Such perspectives provide a more nuanced approach to the issues that transcend the traditional economic and geopolitical factors to consider the cultural and social aspects of the cross-border conflict. The study concludes that the effective implementation of the disarmament mechanism on the border of Kenya and Ethiopia contributed to the cross-border conflict and enhanced the social-economic development of Turkana County, concluding that the mechanism for cross-border conflict is adequate. However, their implementation was weak due to lacking resources and goodwill. Therefore, the study recommended that Kenya and Ethiopia address the root causes of cross-border conflicts, triggers, and accelerators by promoting effective institutional policies and administrative frameworks for managing natural resources and setting up official access crossing points. Finally, Kenya and Ethiopia pool resources to boost the livelihoods of their border communities.


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How to Cite

Mwangi, K., & Mung'ale, A. (2024). Cross-Border Conflicts and Social-Economic Development along the Kenya-Ethiopia Border: A Case of Northwestern Kenya. Journal of International Relations, 4(3), 57–78.


