Effect of Age and Physiological Status on Few Blood Biochemical Parameters of Apparently Healthy Nellore Sheep from Hot and Humid Areas of Andhra Pradesh


  • Ashok Chandra NTR College of Veterinary Science
  • Vasantha NTR College of Veterinary Science
  • Sujana NTR College of Veterinary Science
  • Nikhil kumar Tej NTR College of Veterinary Science
  • Srinivasa Prasad Ch NTR College of Veterinary Science




Physiological Status, Hematological, Biochemical, Nellore Brown Sheep


Nellore brown sheep are the most commonly reared in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The present study was conducted to report the affect of age and physiological status on few blood biochemical parameters of apparently healthy goats from the hot and humid areas of Andhra Pradesh.  A total of 18 sheep of age 0-1 year, pregnant and lactating were used for our study.  The results evidenced significantly higher RBC, Hb in pregnant group compared to others. The PCV were found to be significantly higher in 0-1 year group. The total protein, creatinine were significantly higher in lactating group compared to the other two. The albumin levels were found to be significantly higher in pregnant group. The cholesterol, calcium, phosphorus levels were found to be significantly higher in 0-1 year group and decreased in periparturient period. The study established baseline values of Nellore sheep in the hot and humid areas of Andhra Pradesh and therefore can be used as reference values for further studies on these species. 


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How to Cite

Chandra, A., Vasantha, V., Sujana, S., Tej, N., & Ch, S. (2023). Effect of Age and Physiological Status on Few Blood Biochemical Parameters of Apparently Healthy Nellore Sheep from Hot and Humid Areas of Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Livestock Policy, 2(1), 9–17. https://doi.org/10.47604/jlp.v2i1.2044


