Factors Influencing Persons with Disability Participation in Socioeconomic Development in Seme Sub-County, Kenya


  • Nancy Okoth Okoth Department Of Social Science and Development Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Fred K. Wamalwa Lecturer: Head of Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Eastern Africa




Socioeconomic, Development, Persons with Disabilities


Purpose: The study examined the factors influencing persons with disability participation in socioeconomic development in Seme sub-county, Kenya. This study answered the research questions with regards to the education level, public infrastructure and cultural practices influence on the involvement of persons with disability on socio economic development in the Seme sub-county?

Methodology: The study was anchored on the margin and empowerment theories. Qualitative and research method was applied through a descriptive survey design. Questionnaires and interviews were the data collection instruments administered to 208 respondents. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Findings: The study established that low levels of education, lack of inclusive public infrastructure, and cultural influences/ stigmatization had a significant negative influence on persons with disability involvement in socioeconomic activities.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommends that institutions supporting persons with disabilities and the Sub-county administration should invest in disabled supporting education, public infrastructure and perception changes in the community with regards to cultural barriers. provision of formal education and advocacy on the rights of persons with disability. Finally the study fills research gaps in marginalization and empowerment theories in education, infrastructure and culture and stigma towards persons with disabilities.


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How to Cite

Okoth, N., & Wamalwa, F. (2022). Factors Influencing Persons with Disability Participation in Socioeconomic Development in Seme Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, 7(1), 44–73. https://doi.org/10.47604/jpid.1670


