About the Journal

The American Journal of Physical Sciences (AJPS) is a monthly, peer-reviewed, open access journal published by IPRJB Journals. The aim of AJPS is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their original and innovative findings in various fields of physical sciences, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, geology, and engineering. The scope of AJPS covers both theoretical and experimental aspects of physical sciences, as well as interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary topics. AJPS has an ISSN number 2958-969X (online) and a DOI prefix 10.47604/ajps. The journal is indexed in EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, Scilit, and Crossref. AJPS has a fast and rigorous peer review process that takes between 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the quality and complexity of the submitted manuscripts. The peer review process is double-blinded, meaning that both the reviewers and the authors are anonymous to each other. AJPS follows the highest ethical standards in publishing and adheres to the COPE guidelines. Authors retain the copyright of their papers and grant AJPS a non-exclusive license to publish them online. Each paper published in AJPS is assigned a unique DOI that enables easy identification and citation.