
  • Felista Wanjiku Ndung'u Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • Dr. Wilson M Thagana Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Dr. David Kamundia Ndungu Kiambu County Government


Heterotic Orientation, Inbred Lines


Purpose: The main purpose of the stusy was to determine the heterotic orientation of the inbred lines

Methods: The lines used in the study were derived from a segregating population in the F4. They were crossed to two single cross testers CIMMYT Tester A (CML312/CML442) and Tester B (CML395/CML444) through the Line by tester mating design. The 98 crosses developed through line by tester cross of 49 lines in the F4 and two testers Tester A and Tester B were studied for resistance to NLB and other yield related traits including : days to anthesis, days to silking, ear aspect, plant height, ear height, field weight and Grain moisture. The experiment was conducted in the 2017 main growing season in three mid-altitude maize growing regions of Kenya (Kakamega, Muranga, Embu). Data was analyzed using REML, META-R and AGD-R tools.

Results:The study found out that The heterotic orientation was determined for the lines and that differed across the 3 sites. The 3 sites were treated as independent environments due to genotype x environment interactions. The classification of the lines differed across the three locations having most of the lines in Muranga falling under the heterotic groups A and B. For Embu and Kakamega, fewer lines were classified into either heterotic group a and B having none of the lines in heterotic group a in Kakamega.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommeded that Knowledge of heterotic groups of the lines is of importance in the introductions in order to exploit their use in the breeding programme. The lines may hence require some further testing with alternative testers in order to fully classify them into their various heterotic groups


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Author Biographies

Felista Wanjiku Ndung'u, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Post Graduate Student

Dr. Wilson M Thagana, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya


Dr. David Kamundia Ndungu, Kiambu County Government

Chief Officer-Agriculture


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How to Cite

Ndung'u, F. W., Thagana, D. W. M., & Ndungu, D. D. K. (2019). HETEROTIC ORIENTATION OF THE INBRED LINES. International Journal of Agriculture, 4(1), 1 – 14. Retrieved from https://iprjb.org/journals/index.php/IJA/article/view/841


