Impact of Abortion on Hormonal Changes


  • Danson Koech Maseno University



Abortion, Hormonal Changes, Stress


Purpose: The aim of the study is to examine the impact of abortion on hormonal changes.

Methodology: This study adopted a desktop methodology. This study used secondary data from which include review of existing literature from already published studies and reports that was easily accessed through online journals and libraries.

Findings: The findings indicate that abortion can lead to hormonal alterations, including changes in estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, and thyroid hormone levels. These hormonal changes can have both short-term and long-term effects on women's physical and emotional well-being. The study reveals potential implications of hormonal changes following abortion. These implications include menstrual irregularities, altered reproductive hormone levels, increased stress responses, psychological distress, and potential impacts on sexual functioning and future fertility outcomes.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study was anchored on neuroendocrine theory of abortion-related hormonal changes which was proposed by Bagshawe, Campbell, Flett, and Maclean and psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) theory which was pioneered by Ader, Felten, and Cohen. Policymakers should prioritize the availability of comprehensive post-abortion care that includes monitoring and managing hormonal changes. This can be achieved by supporting healthcare systems, expanding access to reproductive healthcare facilities, and integrating hormonal health services into existing abortion care frameworks.


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How to Cite

Koech, D. (2023). Impact of Abortion on Hormonal Changes. International Journal of Biology, 3(1), 33–42.


