Internal Communication and Employee Productivity in the Ready-Mix Concrete Industry, Kiambu County


  • June Wangeci Githaiga Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Dr. Musuruve Inimah Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



Internal Communication, Employee Productivity, Ready-Mix Concrete Industry


Purpose: This research sought to investigate internal communication and employee productivity in the ready-mix concrete industry in Kiambu County.

Methodology: The study was guided by two theories which are: Systems Theory and Organizational Information Theory. For the research methodology, mixed-methodology research design was used in the study which combined both qualitative and quantitative data. The target population of the study was 134 employees. However, only 88 of the employees took part in the study from the Companies-Rhombus Concrete and Sidai Concrete, with systematic random sampling method being used to select them. The research tools used for data collection included questionnaires that had Likert-scale which were distributed to the general employees while Key Informant Interviews were done on the managers. The quantitative data collected was analysed through descriptive and correlation statistics using SPSS and presented using tables and figures, while qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis.

Findings: The findings were internal communication strategies had limited impact on employee productivity, in that text messages WhatsApp, and calling methods had measurable impressions. Broad communication strategies were proven ineffective, but specific platforms and tools directly enhanced communication and general work productivity. Factors such as batching processes, employee skills and equipment setup were stauncher predictors of productivity. Unambiguous communication processes, job satisfaction and actionable feedback, proved to majorly impact productivity outcomes. Internal communication hurdles have a lesser impact on employee productivity, with a minor negative relationship.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Theory: The study was guided by Systems Theory. Organizations through their departments are working to holistically address these issues by implementing enhanced tools, regular meetings, and rational communication channels. However, the research model calls for further research so as to explore new variables affecting productivity reason being the current models fails to account for meaningful variation in productivity levels. Major recommendations entail: employee development through training, real-time communications in organizations, establish and maintain clear communication channels, support honest employee feedback and establish company policies that match current communication needs.


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How to Cite

Githaiga, J. W., & Inimah, M. (2025). Internal Communication and Employee Productivity in the Ready-Mix Concrete Industry, Kiambu County. International Journal of Communication and Public Relation, 10(2), 42–68.


