Effect of Jigger Infestation on Agricultural Productivity: A Case Study of Murarandia Division


  • Benson Muhoro University of Nairobi
  • Dr. Mary Mbithi University of Nairobi
  • Dr. Odhiambo Sule University of Nairobi


jigger infestation, agricultural productivity


Purpose: The study investigated the effect of jigger infestation on agricultural productivity among the farmers of Murarandia, which is a Sub County in Murang'a. Specifically, extent and effect of jigger infestation on agricultural productivity was investigated. The study also sought to provide recommendations on jigger menace handling to government and humanitarian policy makers.

Methodology: The population of the study consisted of 28,943 households in Murarandia division Murang'a County according to the 2009 Kenya census report. The sample size was 384 households. This study used primary data which was analyzed using STATA. Inferential analysis was achieved using an ordinary least square regression model. T-test was also used to test whether there was a statistical difference in the mean production of infected and uninfected labour.

Results: The study findings revealed that 67.35% of farmers in Murarandia Division in Muranga County are infected with Jiggers. That figure is higher than the prevalence rate of 4.5% of Kenya. Findings also indicated that when uninfected labour is used, then one unit of capital produces 2.072 units of annual production whereas when jigger infested labour is employed, then one unit of capital produces 1.235 units of annual production. The study findings revealed that more output is realized when uninfected labour is used (2.093 versus 1.3171 units). Jigger infested labour produces 0.7759 units less than uninfected labour.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: From the study findings, it is recommended Muranga County government should create awareness about effects of jigger infestation through media campaigns. The county government should also have deliberate policies to treat, free of charge, those infested with jiggers. The county government in a bid to reduce the infestation rate should deliver fumigants to residents of the area.


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Author Biographies

Benson Muhoro, University of Nairobi

Post graduate student, School of Economics

Dr. Mary Mbithi, University of Nairobi

Lecturer, School of Economics

Dr. Odhiambo Sule, University of Nairobi

Lecturer, School of Economics


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How to Cite

Muhoro, B., Mbithi, D. M., & Sule, D. O. (2016). Effect of Jigger Infestation on Agricultural Productivity: A Case Study of Murarandia Division. International Journal of Economics, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://iprjb.org/journals/index.php/IJECON/article/view/7


