Effect of Monitoring and Evaluation Practices on Performance of Construction Projects in Gasabo District- Rwanda
Construction Project Performance, Monitoring & Evaluation Practices, Monitoring & Evaluation Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Staff Skills and Monitoring & Evaluation ICTAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of monitoring and evaluation practices on performance of construction project in Gasabo district, Rwanda. The specific objectives of this study were to examine the effect of M&E planning, M&E Staff skills management and M&E ICT management on performance of construction projects in Gasabo district, Rwanda.
Methodology: A descriptive research design was used. Two hundred sixty-three respondents randomly sampled from district, sectors and cells staff and the general local population who are involved in project planning of the construction projects at Gasabo district was interviewed. The data was collected using administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS 16. The study chosen to use qualitative and quantitative research methods to explore the topic and thus used multiple regression analysis such as ANOVA, Pearson correlation and descriptive analysis to estimate the strength relationship between the independent variables to the dependent variables.
Findings: The result of the study showed that majority of the respondents were in agreement to the fact that the performance of construction project of Gasabo district was influenced by Monitoring and Evaluation practices. The findings indicate that M&E planning had a positive and significant effect on project performance with (β1=0.170, CI 0.010, 0.350, t=2.080, P<.001). Monitoring and Evaluation Staff skills management with β2=-.016, CI -.160, 0.131, t=-.196, P>.001), has no significant effect on project performance of construction project of Gasabo district. Finally, M&E ICT management performance had a positive and significant effect on construction project performance with (β3= 0.450, CI 0.393, 0.690, t=7.190, P<.001).
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The researcher recommends that monitoring and evaluation should be a priority in the projects for its relevancy; and all bodies dealing with construction projects should make arrangements for monitoring and evaluation practices due to make monitoring and evaluation operations successful.
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