
  • Charles Kai Mwangudza Kenyatta University
  • Ambrose Jagongo Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • Fredrick W.S. Ndede Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya



Liquidity, financial performances, Teachers DT Saccos


Purpose: The study objective was to establish the effect of liquidity management on the financial performance of Teachers DT Saccos in Kenya and to evaluate the moderating effect of the size on liquidity management and financial performance of Teachers DT Saccos in Kenya.

Methodology: This study adopted a post-positivist research paradigm to interpret the effect of liquidity management on the financial performance of deposit-taking Saccos in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive, survey research design. The target population was 18 Saccos classified under teachers' based DT SACCOs according to SASRA records of December 2017 (SASRA, 2018). Census Methodology was used. The study used a data capture form that has been designed by the researcher to collect the data on the independent variables of liquidity management, moderator variable size and dependent variable which was DT Saccos financial Performance. Data were analysed using a combination of descriptive and inferential statistics with the statistical package STATA. Analysed data was presented using graphs and tables.

Findings: The study established that there was a significant effect of capacity and purchased funds on the financial performance of Teachers DT Saccos. The study also established that cash position, total deposit, and core deposit had an insignificant effect on the financial performance of Teachers DT Saccos and that size of the Sacco affects the relationship between liquidity management and financial performance of Teachers DT Saccos.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy:  The study recommended the development of a more robust liquidity monitoring policy as well as enhancement of the oversight on liquidity management practices. The study also recommended that Teachers DT Saccos should reduce the provisions of loan losses as well as their reliance on external borrowing. Further, the study recommended future studies using other factors influencing liquidity in the Teachers DT Saccos. Lastly, the study recommends a comparative study using other financial intermediaries with similar deposit and asset features such as Deposit Taking Micro Finance Institutions.


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Author Biographies

Charles Kai Mwangudza, Kenyatta University

Post Graduate Student

Ambrose Jagongo, Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya


Fredrick W.S. Ndede, Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya



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How to Cite

Mwangudza, C. K., Jagongo, A., & Ndede, F. W. (2020). LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF TEACHERS DEPOSIT TAKING SAVINGS AND CREDIT COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES IN KENYA. International Journal of Finance and Accounting, 5(2), 1 – 26.


