
  • Rabecca Nundu Mutua Kenyatta University
  • Ambrose Jagongo, Dr. Kenyatta University
  • Eddie Simiyu, Dr. Kenyatta University



Breadth of Outreach, Depth of Outreach, Financial Sustainability


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between financial outreach and financial sustainability of deposit taking microfinance institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Methodology: The study employed a positivism research philosophy to determine the relationship between financial outreach and financial sustainability. A population of 13 licensed Deposit Taking Microfinance Institution was considered for this study. Census method was preferred due to small number of target population. A static Panel linear regression model with fixed effect was developed for both operating self-sufficiency and financial self-sufficiency. Secondary data was obtained from Central Bank of Kenya from audited financial statements. Inferential analysis method was employed using Stata statistics software then descriptive statistics tool such as mean and standard deviations were used. several diagnostic tests were conducted namely: normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, serial correlation, stationarity and Hausman.

Results: The study found that number of active clients (breath of outreach) had statistically significant relationship; Average loan size (depth of outreach) had insignificant; age of firm (experience of institution) had insignificant relationship on financial sustainability of DTMFIs in Nairobi County, Kenya. The moderating effect between credit risk management (portfolio at risk) and breadth of outreach (number of active clients) was positive while portfolio at risk and experience of institution (age) and depth of outreach (average loan size) was negative on the relationship between financial outreach and (OSS and FSS) financial sustainability. Further, loan loss provision coverage had positive interaction with number of active clients, age, and average loan size on the relationship between financial outreach and   financial sustainability of DTMFIs in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended that the government through Central Bank of Kenya should formulate policies that enhance savings with DTMFIs and therefore encourage financial inclusion.  Further, DTMFIs should engage in vigorous financial education to boost financial facilities' awareness to boost the breadth of outreach and get involved in information collection and sharing to mitigate credit risk.


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Author Biography

Rabecca Nundu Mutua, Kenyatta University

Post Graduate Student


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