
  • Perminus Kariuki Nyaga Methodist University
  • Mr. Wilson Muema Methodist University




penetration pricing strategy


Purpose: The objectives of the study were to establish the To determine the effect of penetration pricing strategy on the profitability of insurance firms in Kenya.

Methodology:The descriptive research design was preferred to other research designs because it reports the status of study variables. The population of study was the 45 insurance companies operating in Kenya as at 31st December 2012. Data was drawn from a period of five (5) years that is 2008-2012. The sample of this study was 10% of the sales workforce which comprised of 900 employees from the 45 insurance companies. The sample was generated by purposively sampling two employees from each insurance company.The researcher collected primary data with the help of a questionnaire. The primary data obtained from the questionnaires was summarized and analyzed by use of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques.

Results:Regression and correlation results indicated that there was a statistically significant and positive relationship between penetration pricing strategies and profitability. These results implied that penetration pricing has a positive effect on the profitability of insurance companies.

Policy recommendation: The study recommends that insurance companies put in place measures assess the most effective pricing strategy to reduce product costs and thus increase profitability whenever such a strategy is used.


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Author Biographies

Perminus Kariuki Nyaga, Methodist University

Post Graduate Student,School of Business

Mr. Wilson Muema, Methodist University

Lecturer,School of Business


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How to Cite

Nyaga, P. K., & Muema, M. W. (2017). EFFECT OF PENETRATION PRICING STRATEGY ON THE PROFITABILITY OF INSURANCE FIRMS IN KENYA. International Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2(3), 93–106. https://doi.org/10.47604/ijfa.322


