Women Enterprise Fund, Food Security, Karapul Sub-LocationAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the role of WEF on food security of women in Karapul Sub-location of Siaya Sub-County.
Materials and Methods: The study was guided by the Capability theory by Amartya Sen which emphasizes the importance of considering social and environmental variations in analysis of impact of programs. This study used cross sectional research design. The target population was 551 women from all women groups that received the WEF between the years 2011 to 2014.Simple random sampling was used to select 155 respondents which is 30% of the target population. The Chief Township location and the Constituency Women Enterprise Fund Officer were purposively selected as key informants. The study used triangulation of mixed methods that included questionnaires, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 21 was used to run descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages so as to present the quantitative data in form of tables, pie charts and bar graphs based on the major research questions. Qualitative data was summarized, grouped and ranked accordingly noting the similarities and differences in the responses from the interviews and presented in narration.
Results: Findings of this study showed that an improvement in the food security of women was determined by the social variations and environmental diversity of the individual women. Women in formal employment at 67 per cent reported that they could consume three meals in a day same to those with established businesses at 38 per cent. Delay in release of loans affected women doing farming who depend on seasons similar to those who targeted certain peak periods to sell their products. Women who did group projects at 38.1 per cent reported to have increased food access due to higher returns from their businesses. Findings also indicate a big disparity in the varieties of food eaten to constitute a nutritious diet with more consumption of cereals and food from animal sources.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study was guided by the Capability theory by Amartya Sen which emphasizes the importance of considering social and environmental variations in analysis of impact of programs. The study recommends that emphasis should be laid on group projects to maximize profits and increase incomes. The WEF secretariat should ensure timely disbursement of funds and the GOK in its Food Security and Nutrition policy should increase farm inputs of women engaged in farming to ensure WEF improves their food security.
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