
  • Janet Muthoni Miriti Institute of Education: University College London
  • Meshack Nzesei Mutua The African Academy of Sciences


Teenage pregnancy, education capabilities, causes, impacts, support


Purpose: This research was carried out in Nzambani sub-county, Kitui County in Kenya. It aimed to find out causes and extent of teenage pregnancies in Nzambani, the impacts of teenage pregnancies on girls' education capabilities and the current support offered to affected girls in and out of school, and proposals for future support for affected girls in getting their education capabilities.

Methodology: An exploratory case study design was used, and key research methods used were reviewing literature, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions. Ethical clearance was sought from the University College of London, Institute of Education and NACOSTI Kenya. Through snowballing sampling six key informants and three focus group discussions were carried out. Data analysis focused on the thematic areas drawn from the three research questions.

Findings: Teenage pregnancy was found to be a common phenomenon in Nzambani, with poverty reported as a major contributor. Other causes of teenage pregnancy were parental negligence, drug abuse, rape and moral decay, peer pressure facilitated by technology, psychological problems and low education levels among parents. The impact of teenage pregnancies and parenting on girls' education capabilities was found to be school dropout more concentrated among form ones and twos, and deteriorating school performance. The current support offered to affected girls included guidance and counseling; financial, moral and child care by parents especially mothers; and health and nursing care during national exams.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This research recommends rigorous community sensitization on importance of educating pregnant and parenting teenage mothers', financial and moral support for affected girls especially those in lower secondary since there was low support for their school resumption.  


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Author Biographies

Janet Muthoni Miriti, Institute of Education: University College London

Masters Student

Meshack Nzesei Mutua, The African Academy of Sciences



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How to Cite

Miriti, J. M., & Mutua, M. N. (2019). TEENAGE PREGNANCIES AND GIRLS EDUCATION CAPABILITIES IN NZAMBANI WARD KITUI COUNTY IN KENYA: SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVE. International Journal of Gender Studies, 4(1), 59 – 84. Retrieved from https://iprjb.org/journals/index.php/IJGS/article/view/940


