About the Journal

The International Journal of Leadership and Governance (IJLG) is a monthly, peer-reviewed, open access journal published by IPRJB Journals. The aim of the journal is to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to share and discuss their insights, experiences, and perspectives on various aspects of leadership and governance in different contexts. The scope of the journal covers topics such as leadership theories and practices, governance models and mechanisms, ethical and moral leadership, leadership development and education, leadership and organizational change, leadership and diversity, leadership and innovation, leadership and sustainability, and other related issues. The journal has an ISSN number 2789-2476 (online) and a DOI prefix 10.47604/ijlg. The journal is indexed in EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, Scilit and Crossref. The journal has a fast peer-review process of between 2 weeks to 2 months with an experienced editorial team. The peer-review process is double-blinded to ensure the quality and integrity of the published papers. Authors retain the copyright of their papers and can freely distribute them under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Each paper is appended a DOI for easy citation and access. Publishing in the International Journal of Leadership and Governance (IJLG) is an opportunity for authors to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practice in the field of leadership and governance, as well as to enhance their academic reputation and visibility.