Synthesis and Characterization of Some 1,2,4-Triazol-4-Amino Schiff Bases of Decorated Nano Reduced Graphene Oxide With 2-Naphthol-4-Sulfonic Acid as Non-Toxic Compounds


  • Yusra A. Mohammed Almustansiriyah University
  • Safa Fareed Rashad Salah Al-Din Education Directorate
  • Ghazwan H. Al-Somaidaie Tikrit University



Graphene Oxide, 1,2,4-triazole, 1,2,4-triazol-4-amino Schiff Bases.


Purpose: This research, some derivatives were Synthesis and Characterization of Some 1,2,4-triazol-4-amino Schiff Bases of Decorated Nano Reduced Graphene Oxide with 2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid .

Methodology: In by the hummer method preparing the graphene oxide (GO)  and then reducing it to the reduced graphene oxide (RGO), Then prepare the corresponding and decorated derivative with 2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid, Using the electric method (ArNRGO) in two steps, first one preparing the disonium salts and the second, electrical decoration, Prepare the corresponding Triazole derivative (ArNRGOTZ) by thermal fusion for the Ar-NRGO Aromatics Derivative with Thiocarbozide (TC), Also, ArNRGOTZS (3-1) nanoschiff bases prepared by heat mixing between ArNRGOTZ with 4-Nitrobnzaldehyde, 4-Chlorobenzaldehyde and  4-Methoxybenzaldehyde,

Findings: The data characterization by IR, XRD and SEM infrared spectroscopy with stability evaluation from TGA, DSC and DTG measurements.

Unique Contribution  to Theory ,Practice, and Policy: Formation of 1,2,4-triazol-4-amino Schiff Bases of Decorated Nano Reduced Graphene Oxide with 2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid as non-toxic compounds To benefit from them in the future as chemical compounds that transport drugs inside the living cell.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, Y., Rashad, S., & Al-Somaidaie, G. (2024). Synthesis and Characterization of Some 1,2,4-Triazol-4-Amino Schiff Bases of Decorated Nano Reduced Graphene Oxide With 2-Naphthol-4-Sulfonic Acid as Non-Toxic Compounds. International Journal of Natural Sciences, 4(1), 58–73.


