About the Journal

The International Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (IJPERS) is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and case studies in the fields of physical education, recreation, sports, health, and wellness. The journal aims to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and educators to share their knowledge, experience, and insights on various topics related to these disciplines.

The journal follows a rigorous and transparent editorial process that ensures the quality and integrity of the published work. The journal adheres to the highest standards of publishing ethics and guidelines, and expects the authors, reviewers, and editors to follow the same principles. The journal also supports the open access policy, which means that all the published articles are freely available online without any subscription or fee.

The journal has a broad scope that covers various aspects of physical education, recreation, sports, health, and wellness. Some of the topics include: Curriculum development and implementation in physical education, Pedagogical approaches and strategies in physical education, Assessment and evaluation in physical education, Professional development and training in physical education, Physical activity and fitness promotion, Recreation and leisure studies, Sport management and administration, Sport psychology and sociology, Sport coaching and performance, Sport medicine and injury prevention, Health education and promotion and Wellness and quality of life

The journal welcomes submissions from researchers, practitioners, and educators from different disciplines and backgrounds. The journal accepts manuscripts in English only. The authors are required to follow the manuscript preparation checklist provided by the journal before submitting their work. The journal uses a double-blind peer review system, which means that the identities of the authors and reviewers are concealed from each other. The journal aims to provide a fast and efficient publication process, with a turnaround time of less than 3 months from submission to publication.

The journal is indexed and abstracted in various databases, such as Google Scholar, SCILIT, Crossref and EBSCOhost. The journal has a high impact factor of 3.5 which reflects its academic reputation and influence. The journal also has a low publication fee of $150 per article, which covers the costs of editorial and production services. The authors retain the copyright of their work and grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish it. The journal has a privacy statement that protects the personal information of the authors, reviewers, editors, and readers.