Designing a Cognitive Supply Chain Platform Using SAP ERP Solution for Smart Decision Support


  • Vummadi Jayapal Reddy
  • Krishna Chaitanaya Raja Hajarath



Cognitive Computing, Supply Chain Management, SAP ERP, Decision Support, Analytics, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing


Purpose: This paper aims to discuss how cognitive computing can work with supply chain management and differentiate it from the SAP ERP solutions which improves decision-making activities. It would reveal the potential of using analytics, machine learning techniques, and natural language processing for real-time decision-making.

Methodology: To start with, a critical review of the literature is made and a functional breakdown of SAP ERP is conducted to understand the system's structure and components. Talking about it in detail, the paper explores the chances, threats, and outlooks of integrating cognitive computing into SCM.

Findings: In light of the above findings, it is revealed that integrating cognitive technologies with SAP ERP can enhance supply chain decision-making by equipping managers with complete timely information and possible future outcomes.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Considering this, the paper suggests that more studies and implementations of cognitive supply chain platforms connected to the SAP ERP solution will improve decision-making effectiveness and company competitiveness in the modern context.


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How to Cite

Reddy, V., & Hajarath, K. (2024). Designing a Cognitive Supply Chain Platform Using SAP ERP Solution for Smart Decision Support. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9(3), 12–23.


