Role of Mediation in Territorial Disputes in East Asia


  • Wei Cheng



Mediation, Territorial, Disputes


Purpose: The aim of the study was to analyze the role of mediation in territorial disputes in East Asia.

Methodology: This study adopted a desk methodology. A desk study research design is commonly known as secondary data collection. This is basically collecting data from existing resources preferably because of its low cost advantage as compared to a field research. Our current study looked into already published studies and reports as the data was easily accessed through online journals and libraries.

Findings: In East Asia, mediation plays a pivotal role in addressing territorial disputes by fostering diplomatic dialogue and negotiation. It aims to de-escalate tensions and find mutually acceptable solutions, preventing conflicts from worsening. Despite challenges like historical animosities and power imbalances, mediation remains a crucial tool for managing territorial disputes in the region.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Structural realism, constructivism & regional institutionalist theory may be used to anchor future studies on mediation in territorial disputes in East Asia. Mediation offers a constructive mechanism for de-escalating tensions and facilitating dialogue between disputing parties. Promoting mediation as a preferred method for resolving territorial disputes in East Asia can enhance regional peacebuilding efforts and promote a rules-based international order.


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How to Cite

Cheng, W. (2024). Role of Mediation in Territorial Disputes in East Asia. Journal of Conflict Management, 4(3), 1 – 13.


