
  • Anna Saretin Lekenit Department of Nursing Sciences, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Kenya Methodist University
  • Ruth G. Gatere, Prof. Department of Nursing Sciences, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Kenya Methodist University
  • Agnes K. Mutinda, Dr. Department of Nursing Sciences, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Kenya Methodist University



NCRH, Barriers, Nursing Process, Nurses


Purpose of the study: This study therefore assessed barriers of nursing process implementation by Narok County Referral Hospital nurses.

Methodology: A descriptive cross sectional study design was used to collect data from 102 randomly sampled nurses in NCRH. The study instruments used were self-administered questionnaires and key informant interview. SPSS version 20.0 was used to analyze quantitative data and sample characteristics were analyzed using mean and median. Themes were used to analyze qualitative data and narratively presented. Association between the study variables was calculated using chi square at 95% level of significance while statistical significance of results obtained was calculated using p values of 0.05. Data analysis was presented using tables and graphs. Approval was sought from relevant authorities.

Results: The study results revealed that female participants were the majority at (70.6%). Most participants (71.6%) had attained diploma level of education and among them, 92.2% had received training in nursing process. Majority 95 (93.2%) were observed not to implement nursing process and of those who implemented, only 1 (1%) correctly outlined all the steps, a sign of poor nursing process implementation. NP implementation was of statistical significance with age of nurses as 18 out of 29 of younger nurses aged 21-30 years were found to actively practice it (p =0.001, work experience (p = 0.001), training (p > 0.05): institutional factors (p = 0.001).

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Nursing process mainstreaming interventions such as regular staff refresher courses and mentorship On NP in the hospitals, availability of relevant resources: human resource and supplies can highly mitigate these barriers.


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Author Biographies

Anna Saretin Lekenit, Department of Nursing Sciences, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Kenya Methodist University

Post Graduate Student

Ruth G. Gatere, Prof., Department of Nursing Sciences, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Kenya Methodist University


Agnes K. Mutinda, Dr., Department of Nursing Sciences, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Kenya Methodist University



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How to Cite

Lekenit, A. S., Gatere, R. G., & Mutinda, A. K. (2020). BARRIERS TO IMPLEMENTATION OF NURSING PROCESS AMONG NURSES WORKING IN NAROK COUNTY REFERRAL HOSPITAL. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 5(4), 15 – 35.


