Clinical training, Placements, Mentorship, SupervisionAbstract
Purpose: To explore RN-BSN students' perception on clinical placements, mentorship and supervision in clinical teaching and learning.
Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey design among RN-BSN students studying at Kenya Methodist University. The sample size was determined by Fisher et al., formula and the participants were selected through simple random sampling, those who met the eligibility criteria were included in the study. Data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire and data was analysed by use of SPSS version 26, where descriptive data was presented by the use of tables and figures.
Findings: This study revealed that 61.7% of the students were satisfied with the clinical placements as it provided a positive learning environment, while 84% reported they had the opportunity to transfer theory into practice. In addition, 59.1% were satisfied with the hands-on experience they had in the clinical area however, 58.3% were dissatisfied with the use of Evidence-based practice and 54.8% were dissatisfied with the involvement of lecturers in clinical training.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: This study tested the Kolb Experiential model where for learning to take place the students need to go through concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. This study is in support of this model that for effective learning to take place the student has to undergo all the learning cycle. In policy, this study recommends the need to equip health facilities and employ more nurses in the hospitals who will also act as mentors to students and improve these facilities into teaching and referral centres. In practice, hospitals should identify clinical mentors who will oversee the implementation of Evidence-Based Practice and critical thinking into the nursing practice, while, institutions should employ more clinical instructors, and identify clinical mentors and preceptors in the clinical learning environments.
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