
  • Mutuku Irene Ngii Doctor of philosophy (Human Resource management), Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • Dr. Peter Philip Wambua Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya


Organizational Effectiveness, Human Resource Development, Organizational Resources


Purpose: In the present day organization main central issue is improvement in productivity through organizational efficiency. HRD mechanisms and HRD outcomes are key indicators in ensuring successful improvement on organizational efficiency. HRD mechanisms can also be utilized by organizations to transform it as well as give it competitive advantage in the current global economy. This study seeks to establish relationship between HRD mechanisms, HRD outcomes and organizational efficiency.

Methodology: This research work simply gives a desk top overview of the adapted variables by reviewing previous research work done by other scholars on the same area as well as other similar document relevant to this area of study. Desk research is not about collecting data. Instead, is to review previous research findings to gain a broad understanding of the field. Books and journals will be used to collect information. To identify the right journals and books several keywords such as performance, appraisal and training, organizational efficiency, Human resource development were searched in google.

Findings: The finding reveals that HRD mechanisms and HRD outcomes are highly correlated to organizational effectiveness by enhancing employee capabilities hence enabling them to not only deal with current but also future challenges faced within the organization hence promoting organizational effectiveness. This study focused on two HRD mechanisms; training and performance appraisal; research can therefore be done on other HRD mechanisms that affect organizational effectiveness.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This study therefore recommends that organization need not only to invest time but also money on various HRD mechanisms owing to their greater impact on organizational effectiveness. Use of HRD mechanisms equips employees with knowledge, skills, attitudes as well as competencies that are positively correlated to organizational effectiveness. Organizations should therefore focus on using several HRD mechanisms to enhance employee's knowledge, skills, attitudes as well as competencies hence improving the effectiveness of the organization.


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Author Biographies

Mutuku Irene Ngii, Doctor of philosophy (Human Resource management), Kenyatta University, Kenya

Post Graduate Student

Dr. Peter Philip Wambua, Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya



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How to Cite

Ngii, M. I., & Wambua, D. P. P. (2019). HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT MECHANISMS, HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT OUTCOMES AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS. Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 4(3), 30 – 47. Retrieved from


