
  • Ezeh Stella Ifeyinwa Department of Management: University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus
  • Vincent A. Onodugo, Dr. Department of Management University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus


Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), employee turnover, Job Tenure, Altruism, Sportsmanship.


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employee turnover of Nigeria Deposit Money Banks (NDMBs). Taking consideration of 5 banks. OCB was the predictor variable was operationalized into dimensions: altruism and sportsmanship. The two measures of employee turnover, wage rate and job tenure was used as the criterion variable. The study set out to test 2 hypotheses.  

Methodology: A sample size of 272 was drawn from the study population of 331 employees. The scales used were within the acceptable Cronbach Alpha value of 0.7, which was interpreted to be reliable. By means of SPSS 17.0 and using a total of 243copies of completed and usable questionnaire, we computed the demographic characteristics. Furthermore, descriptive statistics were computed at the primary level of analysis, while the Spearman Rank Order Coefficient were used at the secondary level of analysis. The hypotheses formulated were tested with Pearson product moment correlation coefficient at 0.05 level of significance.

Findings: Based on the analyzed data, using returned questionnaire, the study found a positive relationship between organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention of deposit money banks employees because the former enhances the latter. The research results, based on respondents' perceptions, revealed that organizational citizenship behavior had a statistically significant relationship with employee turnover intentions. Results also showed that employee engagement leads to increased display of organizational citizenship behaviour by employees.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy:  The study recommended that managers might have used different strategies because a human being has different needs and therefore to satisfy an employee, a number of strategies should be used and the strategies should range from physiological, social, economic and psychological in enhancing employee engagement, showing that engaged employees are of high importance for the competitive advantage of an organization.


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Author Biographies

Ezeh Stella Ifeyinwa, Department of Management: University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus

Post Graduate Student

Vincent A. Onodugo, Dr., Department of Management University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus



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How to Cite

Ifeyinwa, E. S., & Onodugo, V. A. (2020). ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOUR AND TURNOVER INTENTION OF DEPOSIT MONEY BANKS EMPLOYEES: EVIDENCE FROM NIGERIA. Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 5(1), 15 – 35. Retrieved from


