
  • Orwa Philip Auka School of Business and Human Resource Development Rongo University, Kenya
  • Andrew Nyangau, Dr. School of Business and Economic, Kisii University, Kenya




Work-life Balance Practices, Organization Performance and Public Health Sectors.


Purpose: The specific objective of the study was to establish the effects of compressed workweek on organization performance on public health sectors in Kenya.

Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive research design. The populations were 696 and sample size was 254 employees' while the respondents were 227 which constitute the response rate of 89.4%.The study used stratified sampling method and adopted the Yamane formula. The study used structured closed questionnaires and piloting testing was done on 10% of the sample. Cronbach's Alpha was used to test the reliability. Validity was determined by posing a series of standardized questions. The study adopted SPSS for data analysis. The Inferential statistics of Pearson correlation analysis was done to establish the strength and direction of the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The study adopted descriptive statistics tool.

Findings: Compressed workweek affects the organization performance and had a positive correlation and significance relationship. The null hypothesis was rejected (P0.01). The study concluded that, compressed workweek is important in improving performance index for Human Resource for health workers in Homa Bay County Referral Hospital (HBCRH) and hence the overall results will lead to improved organization performance.

Unique contribution to theory, practice, and policy: Public health sectors are expected to guide policy and practices to address work-life imbalances at the workplace to improve efficiency and productivity at the workplaces. The study recommended that, HBCRH should provide space for more work-life balance practices to improve organizational performance.


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Author Biography

Andrew Nyangau, Dr., School of Business and Economic, Kisii University, Kenya



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How to Cite

Auka, O. P., & Nyangau, A. (2020). EFFECTS OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE PRACTICES ON ORGANIZATION PERFORMANCE IN HOMA BAY COUNTY REFERRAL HOSPITAL, KENYA. Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 5(1), 63 – 81. https://doi.org/10.47604/jhrl.1151


