
  • Bernice Yawa Tsitsia Department of Mathematics/ICT, Peki College of Education, Ghana
  • Dickson Cheney-Afenu Registry Department - Peki College of Education, Ghana
  • Samuel Kwasi Kabbah Department of Mathematics/ICT, Peki College of Education, Ghana
  • Antoinette Sena Attigah Department of Science, Peki College of Education, Ghana
  • George Kwamla Bimpeh Department of Education, Peki College of Education, Ghana




Time Management, Teacher-Trainees, Colleges of Education


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of effective time management practices of the teacher-trainees in the Colleges of Education in Ghana.

Methodology: The population of the study comprised teacher-trainees (students) of the Public Colleges of Education in the Volta Region of Ghana. Two Colleges were chosen in the region based on convenience sampling technique. In all, a total of 336 participants completed the study survey questionnaire. Statistical data analysis was carried out using the Jamovi Statistical Data Analysis (JSDA) tool and the Microsoft Excel Application package. The instrument was pilot-tested on thirty students.  The Cronbach's Alpha (α) reliability analysis measures were computed. The returned α values obtained on the constructs include 0.95, 0.97 and 0.98, and with the overall α as 0.91.

Findings: The findings revealed that the existence of time management strategies to check students' time consciousness is of low rate in the Colleges. The respondents' average rate of 60.5% totally disagreed on the items tested revealing strong indications of the Colleges low considerations of the awareness creation on effective time management strategies. On the students' level of time management practices in the Colleges, the findings revealed a total frequency of about 52.8%, hardly or never adhere to time management practices as individuals. With this, the overall mean value of approximately 1.67 was calculated indicating the trainees' low level of attainment on effective time management practices.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy This study recommends that the authorities of the Colleges of Education should develop successful time management strategies in the Colleges to assist teacher-trainees in developing good time management habits


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How to Cite

Tsitsia , B., Afenu , D., Kabbah, S., Attigah, A., & Bimpeh, G. . (2021). EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AMONG COLLEGES OF EDUCATION STUDENTS. Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 6(1), 1 – 10. https://doi.org/10.47604/jhrl.1245


