
  • Olayo Julius Ochieng PhD, CHRP-K A Certified Human Resource Professional and Lawyer
  • Lewis Waithaka Kamau Governance Expert




Mental health, Human Resource Practitioner, employees


Purpose: This paper sought to examine the role of human Resource practitioners in managing mental health in workplaces.

Methodology: An exploratory research methodology was used in this study. Exploratory research design is used to study a problem that is not clearly defined. It is carried out to gain a better understanding of the problem at hand but will not provide conclusive results. The study examined the studies that have been carried out on the subject. This means that the study was based on a desk review of existing studies and documented statistics. In addition, it cited the legal framework on mental health. A narrative analysis was performed and at this point the information was interpreted by comparing the results with the results of other empirical studies. This information was interpreted using the "stories in the stories" and linked to the existing literature.

Results: Human Resource practitioners are faced with a lot of tough situations. One of such key challenges is learning that an employee is struggling with mental health. The study found that human Resource practitioners are not well educated on the subject. Thus, their initial response to employees with mental health has impacted negatively on the employees.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This paper aimed to enrich knowledge on the role of human Resource practitioners (HRP) in addressing mental health. The paper recommends scholars and human resource practitioners to conduct further research since the work environment has evolved in the past decade, and has been affected by major technological development and the health pandemic. Further, the study recommends labour industry stakeholders to train HRM on how to handle employees with mental health. It recommends the occupational safety and health laws should be amended to require organizations to have mental health policy. Finally, the health policy responses to the crisis therefore need to focus on both physical and mental health interventions.


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How to Cite

Ochieng, O., & Kamau, L. (2021). EXAMINING THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTITIONERS IN MANAGING MENTAL HEALTH IN WORKPLACES. Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 6(1), 52 – 59. https://doi.org/10.47604/jhrl.1403


