COVID-19 Impact on Employees Behavior and Mental Well-Being in UAE (Abu Dhabi Emirates)


  • Ayesha Abdulla AlAmeri Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University



Coronavirus, COVID-19, Pandemic, Mental Health, Remote Work, Anxiety, Quarantine.


Purpose: The paper aims to identify the main stressors during the pandemic, examining some moderating factors which may mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on UAE employees' behavior.

Methodology: Mixed method has been used to gather thorough information about the topic and identify the impact of COVID-19 using literature review of previous research and questionnaire.

Findings: COVID-19 has disrupted work and organizations across the globe as it implied unprecedented impact in the way organizations perform, affecting employees' performance and mental well-being. This paper examines the impact of coronavirus pandemic on employees' mental health and its association with shifting their performance. Literature reviews have signaled dramatic shifts in sleep, physical activity, and work productivity, which may have subsequent downstream mental well-being consequences. The impact of COVID-19 on employees differs from country to another due to the implemented measures including quarantine and technology readiness.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: COVID-19 had significant impact on Abu Dhabi Emirates employees' behavior, attitude and mental health. Based on this research outcome, UAE employees can be well prepared for any future pandemics by enhancing their health lifestyle through balanced diet and exercise as it will enhance their health and will reduce their fear from any potential viruses as well as employees should have a second income that will support them in case of losing their main job during any crisis and will mitigate their job insecurity as they will be more stable in their income. The UAE based on this research and other research have implemented the remote work policy across the UAE for any employee who prefers to continue working from home during and post the pandemic and this increased employee's well-being and satisfaction. Future research can use the suggested theories in potential pandemic or crisis research or post pandemic research to measure the impact on employee's performance and well-being as this research might be a reference for future research on similar study.


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How to Cite

AlAmeri , A. (2023). COVID-19 Impact on Employees Behavior and Mental Well-Being in UAE (Abu Dhabi Emirates). Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 8(2), 20–34.


