
  • Mutunga Janet Munyiva Post Graduate Student
  • Dr. Lawrence Wainaina Lecturer


Employees' Work-Life Balance Practices, Employee Performance and Kenya Ports Authority


Purpose: The main objective was to establish the effects of employees' work-life balance practices on Employee Performance in the Kenya Ports Authority, Mombasa.

Materials and Methods: The study employed descriptive research design. The target population of this study was the entire employee population of KPA which is a total of 6474 employees with four distinct categories. The sample size was 99 respondents. A questionnaire with open-ended and closed -ended questions was designed to collect primary data. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to help analyze the data and produce descriptive statistics and identify the different factors affecting employee performance. The data was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The data was analyzed into tables, percentages, pie charts and graphs were also used.

Results: The study established that employee welfare support wielded a significant effect on employee performance. The study also established that, there existed a strong positive correlation between employee dependents care and support. The study also found that, employee leave programs wields positive impact on employee performance. The study also showed that a significant positive correlation exists between flexible work programs and employee performance, which registered an R-value of about 0.678.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended that organizations need to facilitate programs that guarantee job security to the employees as the primary strategy for work motivation. Corporate organizations must commit to invest in building decent and well maintained sanitary facilities to elevate standards of hygiene conditions. The organizations need to invest on recreational facilities within the workplace to give employees access to decent work environment.

Key words: Employees' Work-Life Balance Practices, Employee Performance and Kenya Ports Authority


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Author Biographies

Mutunga Janet Munyiva, Post Graduate Student

Kenyatta University

Dr. Lawrence Wainaina, Lecturer

Kenyatta University


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How to Cite

Munyiva, M. J., & Wainaina, D. L. (2018). WORK LIFE BALANCE AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT THE KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY IN MOMBASA COUNTY, KENYA. Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 3(4), 16 – 42. Retrieved from


